Johnson suggests military action to protect Syrian civilians – and escalate international tensions?
![Boris Johnson gives evidence to the Foreign Affairs Committee in Portcullis House, London [Image: PA/PA Wire].](
Boris Johnson gives evidence to the Foreign Affairs Committee in Portcullis House, London [Image: PA/PA Wire].
What’s striking is the contrast between what Mr Johnson says is (or rather, isn’t) happening and the words of Russian President Vladimir Putin, that were published on This Blog earlier today (October 13).
If Mr Johnson wants Russia involved in joint talks, why hasn’t he invited his friend Sergei Lavrov to these talks at Chevening? We’re told he was full of stories about his friend Sergei at the Conservative Party Conference, so why can’t he invited his friend to his posh residence for a chat with the boys and girls from the US, France and Germany?
The West should consider fresh military action to help protect civilians in Syria, Boris Johnson has declared.
In a stern warning to the Assad regime and its Russian backers, the Foreign Secretary told MPs that “more kinetic options, military options” were being looked at in a bid to end the suffering of the people of Aleppo and elsewhere.
Johnson’s words came ahead of a summit at his official Chevening residence this weekend, when US Secretary of State John Kerry and French and German ministers gather to discuss the next steps in Syria.
HuffPost UK has learned that the option of a “no bomb zone” – a plan which avoids the risk of downing Russian planes in a “no fly zone” – is being looked at within Whitehall.
He stressed that the UK’s preference was to get Russia back to into joint talks with the US over Syria’s future, but pointed out that patience was running out with Moscow’s failure to engage.
Downing Street added today: “The PM would weigh up very carefully any option that is put forward.”
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Boris Johnson is a big mouthed prat if he was leftwing the media would be at his throat but he is rightwing so his rubbish is pumped out
Johnson is an idiot. Britain has such low military strength that it could hardly defend itself from an attack. Britain ought to have backed Assad from the first: at least he’s not a religious nutter.
The fact that this repugnant and loathsome self-serving individual has been appointed to any senior position is an insult to every decent person in Britain.
Putin’s comments as reported on Vox seem to be far more constructive towards finding a peaceful solution than any other comments which I have read either from this country, Europe, or the US. It is always better to hold on to respectful dialogue rather than insults and bombast.
Clowns to the left of us clowns to the right, here we are stuck in the middle with Clown-in-Chief Bojo.
he is talking hot air mike. he would never be able to convince this country to go to war with russia as we would lose
he and trump make a very good pair for war however and am sure that when trump wins the presidential vote then the main war will begin of which the uk will play a small part
He’s been watching to many James Bond movies.
also i should add is that syria has no future as do many countries in that region and never have had like yemen/sudan/eritrea where my wife is from
it is only when the people rise up and assassinate their governments would they have a chance of a way forward as talking from the sofa never achieved nothing
The best way to protect Syrians is for the UK and the US to stop aiding the “moderate” terrorists who are by virtue of their affiliation with al Nusra “head choppers” of the previous kind, nothing moderate about them unless you believe that cutting a twelve year old boys throat with a knife on camera “moderate”.
Do we need this Buffoon dictating foreign policy “NO WE DO NOT”!
I’m skeptical about a “no bomb zone.” If they can’t stop aircraft flying over an area, how can they stop aircraft dropping bombs? Should they even try when Bojo the Clown talks such rot while Putin seems so much more aware and reasonable?