Ripe for deselection? Danczuk caught wrongly claiming expenses – again

Danczuk wrongly claimed £186.68 for a flight from a family holiday in Alicante [Image: Rochdale Online].
The Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority may consider the case closed, after Mr Danczuk paid back the money he had falsely claimed, but how many offences will he be allowed to commit before more robust action is taken?
That goes for all MPs, by the way. IPSA is a paper tiger.
Danczuk is a liability to Labour. An outspoken opponent of Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership, he claimed in 2015 that there would be a coup immediately after that year’s leadership election if the Islington North MP came out on top.
Shortly afterwards, he was suspended from the party for sending sexually explicit text messages to a teenager. His explanation was that he had an alcohol problem, and sent the texts while under the influence.
He even tried to make money out of this shaming. He received £5,000 from the Sun on Sunday for an interview about it, along with £1,100 from a photo agency. And it seems he hoped to make more, asking the teenager for a meeting to apologise, saying she could receive a fee if she allowed a media agency to take photographs.
She refused.
Now consider the fuss that has been made by Labour MPs who are concerned, after the summer’s coup attempt, about the threat of deselection – being removed as Labour candidates because of the way they have opposed Mr Corbyn’s leadership.
Mr Danczuk, who predicted the coup and actively opposed Mr Corbyn, seems a fine choice for removal, but it won’t be anything to do with the Labour leader.
You can bet he’ll claim it is, though.
Disgraced Rochdale MP Simon Danczuk has been caught claiming expenses he was not entitled to claim… again!
Danczuk claimed £186.68 for a flight from a family holiday in Alicante to London Gatwick airport in May 2015 which was not allowable under the MPs’ Scheme of Business Costs and Expenses.
In a statement, the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) said: “Initial enquiries by the Compliance Officer revealed that the MP had been on holiday in Spain and had booked a flight to the UK to facilitate his attendance at Westminster in order to be sworn in, following his re-election as an MP on 7 May 2015. The Scheme does not provide for such circumstances and the claim was therefore not allowable under the Scheme.”
This is the third time Danczuk has been caught claiming expenses he was not entitled to claim, he was previously ordered to repay £96.50 he claimed in car parking costs while on holiday in Spain, and forced to pay back over £11,500 he claimed in accommodation costs for two ‘dependant’ children who did not “routinely” live with him. Ipsa having concluded “that this was done knowing that there was no reasonable prospect of the children staying at the accommodation”, Danczuk is currently being investigated by the Metropolitan Police Service.
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He should be sacked. So should all MPs who are still flouting the system. It is really not fit for purpose anyway. It should be totally independant of Parliament and thus on the side of the tax payers as opposed to the snouts in troughs.
He will be OK being an anti Corbyn he will be protected
Surely falsely claiming for holiday expenses as business travel is a criminal deception?
There should be a claims panel set up, all claims should be scrutinized by the panel before paid out, put lay people on the panel..
Pretty Sleazy. Should be Chopped. Rochdale deserves much better. Those true Labour supporters and lifelong members who objected to him he had them removed. They should be reinstated and he needs to be chopped.
Why do so many people distrust politicians? Well, because of cheating spongers like Danczuk, who gives all politicians a bad name. He should be sacked for bringing the party into disrepute – again!