The misanthropy of Jess Phillips
![Jess Phillips. Some might say she has taken a tough stance. More accurate to say it is ignorant and sexist [Image: PA].](
Jess Phillips. Some might say she has taken a tough stance. More accurately it is ignorant and sexist [Image: PA].
Ms Phillips, you see, wants to use the Tory plan to gerrymander constituency boundaries to make a rather silly point about gender representation.
She wants to force Labour Party constituency groups to nominate only women as Parliamentary candidates until half the party’s MPs are female.
I want to ensure that everybody who stands for election as an MP is the best person for the job – male or female.
Ms Phillips cannot argue that this is what happens at the moment – she herself is a prime example of a substandard MP. You only have to glance through her Twitter history to realise that.
And when you do, you’ll see that she devotes a large amount of her spare time to insulting as many people as possible – and that much of her bile is directed, not at men, but at her fellow women.
A good example in real life is the well-documented moment when she shouted expletives at Diane Abbott during a debate on the number of female Labour MPs in top jobs.
It seems the only people who deserve to be raised up, in the opinion of Jess Phillips, are people who are liked by Jess Phillips. She couldn’t care less about anybody else – whatever their talents.
That’s misanthropy.
Labour should ban men from standing in all future by-elections until half the party’s MPs are female, women’s champion Jess Phillips MP has said.
With female politicians the likely casualty of the upcoming boundary review according to Mrs Phillips, she will demand Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn commits to their party becoming the first in Parliament to achieve gender equality.
Her comments came as Mr Corbyn, Conservative Party Chairman Patrick McLoughlin, SNP leader Angus Roberston and Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron were quizzed by the cross-party Women and Equalities Committee in the Commons as part of their inquiry into how constituency changes will impact on women.
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I voted for this creature believing she was a true labour MP not a tory in disguise…I apologise for helping her and her husband to get their noses in the trough….
You and me both, mate.
Constituency changes are a well known ploy by whichever party is in power to enhance its own chances of staying in power, it has absolutely nothing to do with trying to get rid of women form politics. there is only one sexist attitude being shown here and that is the anti male bigotry of Phillips, the only discrimination that should be applied is “are you the best person available to stand for your party”.
She has a point that there are not enough female MPs from all the parties, but her proposed solution isn’t viable, and the way she goes around winding everybody up and shooting her mouth off does Labour women no service at all. In a way there’s a place for people like her in public life because she instigates debate and stirs things up, rightly or wrongly, which irritates people and stops complacency setting in; but long term, she’s not the future of the party and probably doesn’t have capacity to develop the self awareness skills to make herself useful in any other way.
Well put Christine. She obviously lacks good presentation skills. She thinks that megaphone diplomacy will get her what she wants. Plus her ideas do not survive scrutiny. Apart from dedicated mysoginists ( I am not one!) I think most people would agree that a proper gender balance in politics is a good thing. Jeremy Corbyn has promoted many female MP’s to his Shadow Cabinet from the pool that were elected on being the best candidate for the job. Jess Phillips could have been one if them had she not let her venomous public utterances in attacking JC on dubious if not completely false events put her beyond the pale. No one to blame but herself.
She is not helping the number of females as her attitude is sure to get her deselected.
i dearly hope so
politics and people how many can say they follow i can truthfully say i didnt not untill around 56 yet modern way is to have children and work isnt this leaving family life far behind if one goes down this path and and woman being practical will look after their family first being a mp would take them away from their family isnt this the reason why we have not many women mps but being like this woman mentioned above doesnt help their cause has she shown she follows blairs doctoring just another greedie mp
As a woman, I do not want “preferential” bias and this is what Phillips is after. It is demeaning. I want to be afforded my status according to my merits, not have men discriminated against because they are the wrong sex. Phillips does not represent “most” women and is rather, an embarrassment to many of us. She is a pretty vile woman and a poor example of the female gender, whereas more credible and competent examples are not in her circle of friends. She may think she has what it takes, but her performance so far, has shown the reverse to be true.
This Woman and Women like Her are going to destroy everything Women who were truly abused through the Centuries Fought and Died for, these Brave Women gave up their Liberty and laid down their lives to get Women the rights they have now I agree there should be all out equality no question, but Women like Philips do not want equality they want over all Power to be as Domineering as men have been over the Centuries I am Male I have absolutely no problem with putting a Woman in a position of Power and great responsibility if said Woman has the required capabilities to carry out this position well, I do however have a serious problem putting anyone Male or Female in a position of Power and responsibility because of their gender in this persons case it applies to Women Ms Sexist Hypocritical Philips should FO and think again Bigoted Sexist that she is.