Another Labour group is asking whether its leadership nomination process was rigged
How many Labour Party members were deprived of the chance to help nominate a candidate in the summer’s leader election?
Hot on the heels of claims that Blaenau Gwent Labour Party officers may have ‘rigged’ their nomination in the Labour leadership election, another CLP is coming under scrutiny.
Ogmore Constituency Labour Party members wanted an all-member meeting, but officers decided the executive committee would meet and vote. The eventual decision – by secret ballot – was to back neither candidate.
CLP member Delyth Gardner wrote on Facebook: “I discovered shortly afterwards that normal members were allowed to attend meetings of the Executive Committee, but this was impossible as their meeting had gone unadvertised, so nobody eligible to attend as an observer could possibly attend. This is totally undemocratic of course, and very unprofessional.
“I then asked for minutes of the meeting, only to be told they would be ratified at the end of October and would not be available until then. There was a blanket refusal to say what had been discussed in the meeting (no surprise there), even though we should have been notified of the meet, and been able to attend to see who said what ourselves.
“This is clearly very undemocratic, and treats normal members as insignificant proletariats.
“As a result of the revelations from Blaenau Gwent, this morning I decided to ask four simple ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ questions. Will I get an answer? Sadly, I expect I will be ignored, and the Executive Committee will continue to ignore ordinary members who might ask difficult questions, however passionate and supportive they may be.”
It all seems very suspicious.
If you are a Labour Party member, and your CLP officers chose not to have a nomination meeting when you wanted one, or nominated a candidate in secret, perhaps you should be asking some serious questions of them.
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Whenever a meeting is held in secret and or the outcome is not made clearly available to all members it is pretty obvious that something is being hidden for reasons which can not be above board and it is not acceptable.
Such behaviour by elected officials is totally undemocratic and must cease.
Curiouser, and curiouser….
Hi Mike,
My CLP refused to have a meeting to decide a candidate using the NO clp meetings as an excuse. Yes i know the memo they refured to did allow meetings to decide an official candidate nominee from the CLP. It’s one of a number of questions i have tabled as well as a reworded version of your two questions to your CLP that should put the cat amongst the pigeons ;)
Nothing will happen, unlike for members who wrote innocuous Tweets or posts on Social media, The party are acting atrociously towards it members, individuals and CLPs, it will be a relief when all this is over and we can get back to being party we can believe in