Yet another lie from Angela Eagle. Is she deliberately destroying her constituency from within?
![Paul Davies, vice chair of suspended Wallasey CLP, and Angela Eagle - the MP who has accused her own comrades of criminal behaviour [Composite: Liverpool Echo].](
Paul Davies, vice chair of suspended Wallasey CLP, and Angela Eagle – the MP who has accused her own comrades of criminal behaviour [Composite: Liverpool Echo].
I know some readers are sick and tired of the current power struggle within the Labour Party. “Why don’t they all just get on with fighting Tories?” is the common refrain.
I would like that to happen. But first we have to ensure that Labour is facing in the right direction.
Angela Eagle’s behaviour has been highly detrimental to the Labour Party. She ignored her constituency party’s wishes in resigning from the Shadow Cabinet, joining a vote of ‘no confidence’ against Jeremy Corbyn and standing against him (briefly) as a challenger for the party’s leadership. When her constituency party planned to hold a meeting to deselect her as a candidate in any future election, she and her followers moved to block this by suspending the party organisation, on these spurious grounds of abuse and intimidation.
She has acted in bad faith all the way down the line.
Now she has claimed Jeremy Corbyn sympathised with her on all these matters, when in fact he was simply expressing regret that she had received abuse – subsequent to the incident she complained about and not – at least, so far – attributed to anybody in Wallasey Labour Party.
There really isn’t any place for homophobic abuse in the Labour Party – but we have yet to see any proof that this took place within the Labour Party, and we certainly don’t have any evidence that Mr Corbyn agrees with Ms Eagle about the behaviour of Wallasey Labour Party. Quite the opposite, in fact – he attended the NEC to speak against the suspensions of party members.
What are people in the Wallasey constituency supposed to think about all this?
I’ll tell you – they’ll think that the Labour Party is falling apart; that its MP and party hierarchy are deliberately and maliciously acting against the people of the Wallasey constituency; that the views of local people are ignored by Ms Eagle and the central Labour Party.
That they should look elsewhere if they wish to receive the democratic representation that should be theirs by right.
But Ms Eagle and her friends don’t care about that. They only care about maintaining their position – especially hers on the Parliamentary gravy train.
They are quite happy to see Labour reduced to a mere “party of protest” if the party’s only chance of winning involves asking her – and those like her – to step aside.
And without a Labour government, the people of the UK continue to be endangered by the homicidal – now verging on fascist – policies of the Conservative Party.
That is why this debate is so important.
In a statement yesterday following the NECDP’s decision to uphold her complaint against her own local party, Ms Eagle said,
I am grateful that Jeremy took the unusual step of both attending and speaking in the meeting and that he expressed sincere sympathy for both me and for my staff” she said. “It is now clear and accepted by the NEC [national executive committee] that homophobic abuse was perpetrated by some members of the local party; I will simply not tolerate it, and I know I have the backing of both Jeremy and union leaders when I say that there is no place for it in the Labour movement either.
As regards the vandalism of my office, I am grateful to both the internal investigators and the NEC for making clear both the facts of the matter and for the support of members up and down the country, including the leader of the Labour party, that such abuse both happened and is intolerable.
Any sensible reading of this statement would lead to the conclusion that Jeremy Corbyn attended the meeting to support her accusations against her local members and that Mr Corbyn agreed that the events she has claimed actually took place.
But is it true?
MaryAngela?No. It’s true that the Labour leader attended the meeting and spoke –but not to support her claims or the continuing suspension of Wallasey CLP.
Luke Akehurst, who as a senior member of Progress and of Labour First fancies himself a mover and shaker in right-wing Labour circles, most often serves as a ‘useful idiot’ by giving away details of the kind of plots and schemes he and his co-factionists get up to. But he is well connected in those circles and, on this occasion, he provides useful inside information about Corbyn’s motives and actions at the NECDP meeting. Of course, he intended to undermine Corbyn rather than Ms Eagle, but hey ho. Here’s a Twitter exchange of his from last night:
I’m sure Jeremy Corbyn offered Ms Eagle a few kind words. It’s the kind of person he is. But far from supporting her and her claims, he was there to oppose them. And not just any opposition but a ‘whipped effort to block’ – in other words, a formal and concerted move to prevent her succeeding, which can only have been defeated by an NECDP burdened with a preponderance of right-wingers.
Mr Corbyn attended the meeting to determinedly oppose Ms Eagle’s attempt to brand her own constituents – who include LGBTQ people and the parents of others – as homophobic abusers. And Ms Eagle, with a straight face, used careful wording to make it appear that he was there to support her and continued to support her. Apparently for the sake of appearing justified.
Now here’s the thing. If a person is capable of claiming, with a straight face, that black = white, that up = down, that opposition = support, in order to protect and justify herself – can her claims of homophobic abuse be trusted, or her word about anything else, for that matter? I’ll let the reader decide, but it’s interesting that she decline to take a lie-detector test when her CLP vice-Chair offered to take one if she would.
Source: Eagle can call opposition ‘support’. Can she be trusted on Wallasey ‘abuse’? | The SKWAWKBOX Blog
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To me you use social media in the full knowledge that most sites are unmoderated and that nasty people can say homophobic things about you if they feel inclined to do so. So, Angela Eagle gets offended when a troll says something unpleasant on her Twitter of Facebook account. OK,she is offended. So what? I am offended when I walk past someone’s house and see their front garden littered with the remains of canabalised cars and other forms of detritus.Offence, unless it is physically or mentally disturbing which can be classed as a crime, is something we all have to live with and get over. Otherwise, you get drawn into a web of self flagulation by keep on reading this vile stuff which eventually will consume you. Delete and forget is my advice to Ms Eagle.
As she once again claimed her constituency office was vandalised – Would someone please ask her how long she has been doing her constituency work in an office stairwell? Because that is where the broken window was!
Abuse, somewhat undefined as a term, but let it be said, whoever can abuse their political position, abuses the electorate and they are entitled to have their say, respectful or not. T May can scream and kick her feet like the adolescent she is, and if she counts criticism as abuse she really needs to consider her position, before someone does it for her. Unfounded claims of her version of abuse are not only becoming accepted, but embedded in the psych of these elements in the Labour party. The irony here is she will fall by the same sword on which she has relied, as the shock – horror tabloids turn to seek another angle of this story, they will expose her fabrications for what they are. As a politician she is finished, and although she knows this, her spiteful nature will prevail to the end.
I think you mean A Eagle, not T May. Interesting Freudian slip, that!
So who “leaked” this pathetic excuse of a document and investigation to first it appears the Telegraph and now exclusively to the Echo?
Does it say we should be agreeing with it and be shocked and horrified at some immature homophobic bashing or should we be more shocked that the entire Wallasey Labour Party is suspended all 1,500 members for a couple of people and not allowed to meet up and discuss business or party or how to move forward. How can the party behave or function like that, For what its worth I believe the people and members of Wallasey not Angela or stuffy Labour investigation. Grow up and get on with politics.
We know well that Eagle spun a normal bit of vandalism – a half-brick through the shared stairwell of a commercial building – as a direct attack on her. We do not trust her as far as that brick can be thrown. Angela, if you’re listening, we are looking for trustworthy honest people who hold their hand up if they make a mistake. You are not that. This is clear.
Since we don’t have the item that was used to break the window and therefore don’t know if it was a brick, a half-brick or whatever, I can only agree with you that we cannot trust Ms Eagle even as far as that item may be thrown.
We must add to the list of Ms Eagles dubious claims, the fact that the meeting where supposed Homophobic abuse was uttered, she was not even in attendance.
She appears to have somewhat of a Walter Mitty ability to invent her own world.
We already knew, in fact.
This Blog has been following events with a considerable amount of disbelief (in her) since the end of June.
As a member of Angela Eagle’s constituency I am dismayed and affronted in equal measure that her self serving dubious narrative continues to be aired in the press and media as fact. No evidence has yet been presented as to her claims of homophobic abuse and threats. I, like all my fellow local party members are being prevented from being active within the labour movement and are regularly being slandered and labelled by Eagle and other MPs etc. We have not been given a platform to respond. It is an affront to natural justice and due process to continue to treat fellow party members as pariahs and exclude us without providing any evidence of wrongdoing. Given that the party has now publicly supported Angela Eagle’s claims, where does that leave 1500 party members, whose only crime appears to be that they objected to their MP failing to represent their views and therefore wanted to discuss what action they could take when their MP expressly contradicts the will of the vast majority of those she is supposed to represent. Quite frankly the party upholding her complaints, (in particular the broken window in the shared stairwell of the building she shares, being attributed as an act directly against her with absolutely no evidence to support that conclusion) is a disgrace and clear evidence of a hierarchy within the party who will go to any lengths to discredit party members who want to see a more socialist direction for Labour. Shame, shame on Angela Eagle and the party hierarchy who acting against their own members.
Would you like to write a guest article, explaining your own experiences as a member of the CLP in question?