Fighting between Ukraine and Russia is heating up again

Minsk Agreements have been repeatedly broken by both Russia and Ukraine and low-scale warfare continues in the European Union’s backyard in a conflict that has claimed [around] 10,000 lives [Image: AFP].
“The current escalation in Donbass is a clear indication of Russia’s continued blatant disregard of its commitments under the Minsk agreements with a view of preventing the stabilization of the situation,” Ukraine’s foreign ministry said in a statement.
Meanwhile Russia’s Foreign Ministry said Ukrainian government troops had launched deadly offensives on rebel positions and warned that the region was “on the verge of humanitarian and ecological catastrophe”.
Source: Fighting between Ukraine and Russia is heating up again
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Putin can now do what he likes in his sphere of influence confident that his friend Herr Trumpf will happily ignore it or even applaud the decisive leadership.
Why do you think the government of Western Ukraine has upped the anti with Eastern Ukraine,and what international organisation do you think might be encouraging that?
Dear Lord who needs Fake News when you are reposting this clap trap
Who knows what is fake news when people like you call this “clap trap” without any evidence against it?
What I write is true – it is clap trap – to describe “Russia’s continued disregard for the Minsk Agreement” – It has upheld it unlike the Ukie Soros side’s Nazi inspired side of liars and criminals: It is just inconvenient to decalre that as it flies in the face of the UK/USA/EU storyline as described famously by that b**ch Newland, now deceased from the State Dept!
Fake News as you should well know is when there are blatant propaganda and lies fed into the MSM, mainly to support the appropriate regime’s storyline.
Hopefully you have been paying attention enough to have seen that in virulent practice in the UK and US media.
That you seem doubtful the raging anti Trump stuff is anything but fake news makes me wonder where your leanings are.
However consider this – during the while of the last POTUS there were hardly any bleats on the massive killing sprees and death actions sanctioned by said POTUS on innocent foreigners, mainly women and children and civilians – where was the disgust then?
When the Democratic contender was up to her eyes in lies, obfuscation and killings that would, under any serious investigation lead back to her and her allies – where was the inquiries, demands for action etc?
Where was any account holding on her and other criminal vote twisting events?
Yet much salacious, ancient allegations were touted as FACT by the very alphabet media including the BBC against Trump, very similar to the witch hunts against JC here.
The now proven fake attendance lies bashed on, the distortion of the 90 day trial halt to immigration that was set in order by Obama and ONLY actioned by Trump made out to be a racist (god that word gets its usual NLP/mind bending use more times than Jonathan Pie (bless ‘im) swears.
The list is endless in the elite dual national controlled Cuckoos’ MSM that like all lap dofs sings its maters’ voice.
So stop pretending you cannot delineate fake news/propaganda from real news that is truthful, honest and deserving of serious reading viewing and consideration – your good writings on home news and political assessment deserves better on these fronts than that.
Unless you are a secret supporter of the elitist propaganda tripe spewed out daily? No, I would like to feel that would be a cowpat too far!
What a shame the dishonest and corrupt MSM have never commented on the escalation of the Neo Nazi Ukraine’s constant terror attacks against unprotected villages and farmhouses and monstrous indiscriminate murders of innocent civilians which the crooked western agenda serving OSCE has been turning a blind eye to. The Neo Nazi regime has made it abundantly clear that it has no regard for the Minsk agreements and are, without a doubt, guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity. Why has NATO not defended the minority civilian victims of terrorist attacks by Kiev? That’s an easy one to answer, they are Russian ethnics and therefore, of no worth, because presumably they are less than human and the other reason? NATO and the US are happy to allow the slaughter if it will provoke Russia into a response, so that they can validate their untenable excuse for a confrontation/war with Russia(because all the many previous attempts have failed to elicit the hoped for response).