Premature state visit invitation to Donald Trump puts Queen in ‘difficult position’

A state visit could include President Trump staying at Buckingham Palace as a guest of the Queen [Image: Getty Images].
Her government’s “premature” decision to invite Donald Trump on a state visit to the UK means the Queen will be directly involved with the extremist politics currently being exercised by the new president.
An event at which Herr Drumpf may stay as a guest at Buckingham Palace could bring the Royals into disrepute through no fault of their own, but because of the clumsy machinations of our weakling prime minister.
How many of these humiliations must the United Kingdom be forced to tolerate?
Lord Ricketts, who was permanent secretary at the Foreign Office from 2006 to 2010, said it was unprecedented for a US president to be invited for a state visit in their first year in the White House.
He said the Queen would want to receive the president in a “celebratory, warm, friendly visit”, but a state visit at the moment would seem “quite controversial”.
It got the Queen directly involved with “this early turbulent period of the Trump presidency, when these controversial policies are being announced and so on,” he said.
“It would have been far wiser to wait to see what sort of president he would turn out to be before advising the Queen to invite him.
“Now the Queen is put in a very difficult position,” he said.
Source: Trump state visit plan ‘very difficult’ for Queen – BBC News
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I’m sure the Windsors can look after themselves. It’s the one and a half million people who signed the petition who should be considered.
Of course the petition must now be considered for Parliamentary debate and with 1.5 million signatories, there may be considerable unrest if it doesn’t get one!
may jumped the gun big time. this is unprecedented as this type of state visit has never been seen before in this country with such short notice of a person becoming president or prime minister of another country outside of the EU
Wonder if he can take her back with him when he goes
Whilst I am a republican I cannot agree that a ninety year old should be exposed to this Orange Fart despite what Maybe wants to get from him. if being outside of the EU means that we have to suck up to the likes of Orange Farty then lets stay in the EU.