If a military action went bad, that’s not offensive to the soldiers; it’s an indictment against those who ordered it

Last Updated: February 9, 2017By

White House spokesman Sean Spicer.

Sean Spicer really needs to think before speaking.

Military personnel are not dishonoured when it is claimed a mission they carried out was botched; they carried out their orders to the best of their ability.

It is those who gave the orders who should be questioned.

The raid in question happened on January 29, so it seems likely the Trump presidency was behind it.

If so, it is an act of extreme dishonesty – and cowardice – to hide behind the memory of a serviceman who died, in an attempt to discourage questioning of the action.

It may be no more than we have come to expect from the Trump administration but the citizens of the United States must be enraged.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer raised eyebrows Wednesday when he argued that anyone questioning the success of a controversial U.S. military raid in Yemen last month was dishonouring Chief Petty Officer William “Ryan” Owens, the Navy SEAL who died in the operation.

Amid reports about a lack of adequate intelligence and sufficient ground support, the White House has faced mounting pressure to justify its authorization for the Jan. 29 operation against suspected al Qaeda militants in Yemen’s al Bayda province. The raid claimed the lives of Owens and several civilians, including women and children. Three other Americans were wounded, and a U.S. aircraft was lost.

Source: Sean Spicer Says Questioning Success Of Botched Yemen Raid Is Offensive To Dead Soldier

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  1. Barry Davies February 9, 2017 at 10:16 am - Reply

    It is unlikely that the January 9th raid was first considered by Trump he had only been in Office for 9 days by then it almost certainly would have been in planning under Obama, and presumably the military chiefs involved would have said it was ready to be enacted rather than Trump just ordering it. Any military operation has dangers involved and as circumstances can change without the knowledge of the people on the ground they have to be able to go to plan B at a moments notice, so this story is more than likely just more anti Trump propaganda from team Hilary. Logistics is the word missing from the claim.

    • Mike Sivier February 9, 2017 at 2:03 pm - Reply

      If urgent action is required, based on the intelligence received, then it may be authorised straight away. It is entirely possible that Trump green-lit this.

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