UK rents expected to rise faster than house prices in next five years

Landlords are expected to scale back portfolios in the next 12 months, but rental demand continues to increase [Image: Alicia Canter for the Guardian].
UK rents are expected to rise faster than house prices over the next five years, bringing further misery to Britain’s growing army of renters, according to a survey.
The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors has predicted that rents will increase by just over 25% in the coming years, while property values are set to grow by less than 20%.
In the three months to January, tenant demand for rental properties continued to go up. With landlords expected to scale back their portfolios in the next 12 months, tenants will have fewer properties to choose from, which is likely to push rents higher, the survey suggests.
Source: UK rents expected to rise faster than house prices in next five years | Business | The Guardian
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Tories looking after their landlord chums. How long, I wonder, before the next Rachman type scandal?
Supply and demand the basis of capitalism.