‘If Trump keeps this up, Yemen’s quagmire could become a real proxy war’

Yemeni security forces inspect unexploded ordnance confiscated from Al-Qaeda militants in the Lahj province, as they prepare to neutralise mines and explosives in the desert of al-Alam, east of the southern port city of Aden, on April 29, 2016 [Image: AFP].
If anybody wants to make informed comments on the new president’s likely effect in the Middle East, you are welcome to do so.
Details have emerged about the first military action under the newest US commander-in-chief: a “botched” raid in rural Yemen, considered while Barack Obama was still in power, but executed by Donald Trump in a manner best described by one of his own favourite words – bad.
Denounced widely as a failure, the ground raid in Yakla killed 25 civilians including nine children, while missing a supposed target, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) leader Qassim al-Rimi, who later mocked the president as the “White House’s new fool”.
But the incident has been more than a massive PR disaster for the White House: its clumsy meddling in Yemen will inevitably worsen an existing quagmire.
If Donald Trump continues with his current policy – a combination of ill-thought counter-terrorism initiatives, increased backing of Saudi Arabia and the alienation of Iran – one party will clearly continue to profit above all.
Source: If Trump keeps this up, Yemen’s quagmire could become a real proxy war | Middle East Eye
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We have to hope that Mr Trump will be overwhelmed by the majority of his fellow citizens who have respect for the US constitution, else one can can but foresee disaster being heaped upon disaster.
“What we’re left with, in other words, is a president who’s never led a large operation, overseeing the executive branch of a global superpower without any real understanding of what it does or how it functions.”
So a plan which was conceived by the Obama regime I tend to believe the Military spokesmen rather than the obama administration who were responsible for the planning, it was given the go ahead by Trump on the advise of the military and he gets the blame for bad planning although it seems to have met the objectives set by the Obama administration.