Theresa May faces public backlash over hard Brexit, poll finds

Theresa May would face a backlash if Britain crashed out of the EU on WTO terms, the ICM poll found [Image: Andrew Parsons/Avalon].
A clear majority of the British public oppose Theresa May’s uncompromising Brexit negotiating position and are not prepared for the UK to crash out of the EU if the prime minister cannot negotiate a reasonable exit deal, according to a new poll.
In a sign that public support for the government’s push for a hard Brexit is increasingly precarious, just 35% of the public said they backed Britain leaving the EU without an agreement with other states. The UK would then fall back on to World Trade Organisation (WTO) tariffs, which MPs and business leaders have claimed would devastate the economy.
In a welcome boost for soft Brexit campaigners, over half (54%) of those surveyed backed either extending negotiations if a satisfactory deal could not be reached, or halting the process altogether while the public was consulted for a second time.
Bert Wander, Avaaz’s campaign director, said the results showed May was at odds with the public over Brexit, and called for the House of Lords to ensure that Britons had the right to force May to continue negotiating.
Source: Theresa May faces public backlash over hard Brexit, poll finds | Politics | The Guardian
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Is this a glimmer of common sense entering into this foolish situation?
she should go to the country with the brexit plans as i can assure you the public will have changed their mind on brexit as it is very removed from how it is being presented