Blairite MP’s shameful secret email undermines democracy by urging RIGHT-wing takeover of Labour Party
Rachel Reeves: Before the last general election, it seemed she expected disabled people to lay down their lives for Labour. Now it seems she is conspiring against the majority of party members.
This Site always considered Rachel Reeves a poor excuse for a Labour MP. Now read on:
Ms Reeves sent a secret email to only some Leeds West members, asking them to support a move to rig the selection of delegates to Labour’s 2017 annual Conference – for the specific purpose of preventing future left-wing leadership candidates.
Or, as she disingenuously terms them, ‘divisive candidates’.
The email below was sent – or meant to be sent – only to members considered right wing. The idea of a Labour MP deliberately cutting out a large part of her membership ought to be astonishing and it’s a woeful indictment of the missing integrity of a large part of the Parliamentary Labour Party (PLP) that it is merely appalling and not surprising.
From: Rachel Reeves
Date: 13 Mar 2017 15:50
Subject: Election of local delegates to Labour Party Conference
To: Rachel Reeves <Cc:Hi all,
Are you able to make it to this month’s Leeds West CLP meeting this Thursday (16th March) at the Milford Sports Club in Kirkstall, starting at 7.30pm?
The next big challenge for the party is going to happen at local meetings all over the country with the election of CLP delegates to annual conference.
The hard left want to keep polarising figures in charge of the party after Jeremy Corbyn leaves. This will be through the (John) McDonnell amendment that, if voted upon by conference delegates this year, would mean the threshold of MPs needed to nominate a leadership candidate will be lowered from 15% of the PLP to only 5%.
This would make it easier for divisive candidates to be selected for the leadership race, even in the event that they have been unable to gain the confidence of 95% of their colleagues in Parliament.
Caroline Flint explains it very well and with more detail in this article – uk/2016/08/23/credibility-threshold/This can be stopped, however, if local labour parties vote to send delegates who will not vote for the McDonnell amendment and instead vote to make sure that important issues like Brexit, the NHS and the economy are discussed at conference.
Leeds West Labour Party meets at the Milford Sports Club, Kirkstall, 7.30pm on Thursday 16th March. If you are able to make it and will support conference delegate candidates who wish to spend more time discussing the issues the public wants us to talk about and not the McDonnell amendment, do let me know. I will be supporting xxx and xxx as our delegates from Leeds West. If you want to talk to either of them directly, please do let me know and I can put you in touch.
It will be great to see you there next Thursday and, as ever, your support is always hugely appreciated by me and everyone else who wants to see Labour elected to government. It will also be appreciated if you can let me know if you can make it either way for numbers.
Best wishes and see you soon,
Leeds West members report that the meeting last Thursday was packed with people who had never been seen at a CLP meeting before – and as a result, the delegate selection was won by right-wing candidates.
So Progress and its members are carrying out a plan to swamp the Labour conference and sway the votes against Jeremy Corbyn, his policies and his supporters.
This is exactly the same as Momentum’s plan, which is to fill the conference with supporters of Mr Corbyn and vote in favour of his policies – so I’m not going to criticise it in the same way Steve Walker did in his Skwawkbox article.
It is shameful that Ms Reeves sent a secret email, though. This indicates an intentional conspiracy to undermine Labour Party democracy – and that is beyond the pale.
And it shows that left-wing Labour members in constituencies whose parties have not yet named their delegates to the party conference need to get their act together, get a list of candidates and ensure that enough of their own people are at selection meetings to put up a challenge to the conspirators.
You can be sure Ms Reeves isn’t the only right-wing Labour MP working to steal away the rights of the vast majority of party members.
Don’t let them get away with it.
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Why is she STILL a Labour MP?
She has not only proven herself duplicitous, she stands square against Democracy!
There should be no place for people like that in the British political system – We the people deserve better!
I Feel the same way, anyone who supports Jeremy are being expelled by the Party Like Fitzgerald for supporting Momentum, Yet there is loads of MP’S Who Support Progress & labour today but are still in the Party, ie A Eagle. J Philips, Watson, Cooper, Eagle’s sister, Progress is A Blair Mandelson Group, In The Labour Party’s Mandate Rules it says Any MP That Brings the Party into Disrepute & doesn’t Support it Duly Elected Leader Will be Sacked, Why are They Still in The Party? & it further says only the CLP’S Can Choose it’s Candidates the NEC & PLP Cannot Interfere,, We who believe These MP’S should BE Expelled Due to Their Behaviour, in not Supporting their Leader or The Will of The People, and Jeopardizing A Labour Party of Winning an Election, Should all Come Together an Protest With the Names of The MP’S Who should BY US the People,& Rules of The Party Be Sacked, For More Effect To Do it ON PMQT So They Get the Message
Well it looks like a party within a party with nasty undercurrents, Its got to be time to get rid of this scum, we will never have unity with these putting a spoke in the wheel
what is it with these people? do they enjoy what this govt are doing to the citizens of the uk? why are they labour MPs at all? people who voted them in must have been Labour voters who should be of the same feelings and beliefs as the core labour members.these blairites should be sacked as MPs. they are makin it so the conservatives win thew next election just because they dont like corbyn.selfish to the core. no thoughts at all for those they are supposed to represent.
Jeremy Corbyn is the (twice) decisively elected leader of the Labour Party. Therefore organising support for him at Conference is in no way equivalent to plotting to undermine him.
Rachel Reeves is not organising support for him. She IS plotting to undermine him.
Surely this lass and her like can take thier own self serving secretive crap and form thier own party ? If this is the look and practice that’s in the Labour Party why aren’t they expelled they don’t meet with the labour values! Do they really think that they can hi-jack the Labour Party and turn it into something that doesn’t even resemble the Labour Party.i would love to know who else is on the make and secretly plotting against the mainstream party b’cos my vote would be at risk if I knew,really bad news though and these plotters should be ashamed! The public won’t stand for these people maskerading as labour candidates and they will do well to remember this,you know who you are so be warned this isn’t on get a grip or get out the party is of the people not pretenders we will remember you as well.
well said
One side is as bad as the other. Reeves and the Labour right have been at it. Momentum and the Labour left have bee at it. This very site has been at it, sometimes sounding like a lynch mob out to “de-select” every MP who has expressed doubts about or been disloyal to Jeremy Corbyn. But it doesn’t really matter, Mike, because Labour are withering on the vine and losing political influence hand over fist and it can’t all be attributed to internecine battle. I turned sixty in January and don’t expect to see a Labour government again in my lifetime. Sad to say it but Jeremy Corbyn is a poor political operator and has no chance under the sun of ever becoming Prime Minister.
Your point falls because Labour is winning elections in places it never won before (like the City of London).
Your criticisms of Mr Corbyn fall because there is no basis to them.
Your claim that “one side is as bad as the other” falls because Momentum has made no secret of its desire to use party processes to openly gain delegates at the party conference, while the right-wingers have been conspiring in secret.
For the same reason, you can’t say This Site has “bee at it” because I’ve made no secret of my opinion that right-wing so-called-Labour MPs who undermine the party should be deselected by their CLPs, in accordance with the party’s rules, in favour of candidates who support Labour ideals and policies.
So do you all also condemn every person that sends emails to Momentum members only? Why send email to Momentum members and exclude other members of the Labour Party?
I believe I may have addressed this question already.