More NHS trusts are in financial special measures – all part of the Tory privatisation plan
Hobson’s choice: Tories are running down the NHS because they want to make you choose between losing your health and going into debt.
Labour has it absolutely right here.
Theresa May, Jeremy Hunt and the Conservatives are deliberately underfunding the NHS in order to make it break down. Meanwhile they are happy to give tax breaks to their rich friends.
The UK is well on course to become the most unequal country in the western world because of Tory mismanagement of the government.
So remember: The NHS isn’t in trouble because the UK can’t afford it – it’s in trouble because Tories want to privatise healthcare.
They want to make you choose between losing your health or going into debt.
Jonathan Ashworth MP, Labour’s Shadow Health Secretary, commenting on news that three more trusts have been put into financial special measures by NHS Improvement, said:
“The Government’s inept mismanagement of the NHS is pushing hospital finances to the brink. NHS Providers have already warned this week that delivering services within the current financial settlement is “mission impossible”. The news today that another three hospital trusts have been forced into financial special measures just illustrates the deepening financial challenge facing the health service.
“Theresa May can’t keep on forcing hospitals to choose between balancing the books and providing safe patient care. By underfunding the NHS for so long, the Prime Minister is putting patients at risk. The Government needs to set out a long-term, sustainable financial settlement for the NHS which allows hospitals to provide the top quality health services which Britain’s patients expect.”
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Indeed after all the media feeding frenzy on Stafford Hospital, mid staffs. It was taken over by Stoke to pay off their PFI debts which was the intent all along. We camped out and kept saying that stoke couldn’t cope and it would go belly up, and surprise surprise one of the three trusts in trouble is Stoke, despite having stopped all the funding from Stafford. The fines for breaking the 12 hour wait haven’t helped the situation, and putting it in special measures means even more waste of resources.
Well its all going to plan for the Tories as the Right wing Labour Play games Thanks Mr Watson