Hate crime Britain: Teenage asylum-seeker suffers serious head injuries in attack

The 17-year-old was waiting at a bus stop with two friends in Croydon, south-east London, when he was set upon by around eight youths [Image: Alamy Stock Photo].
“Sadly this is not an isolated incident, but part of a sustained increase in hate crimes that this Tory government is yet to offer any effective response to.
“With right-wing politicians across the world scapegoating migrants, refugees and others for their economic problems, we are seeing a deeply worrying rise in the politics of hate.
“We must make clear that there is no place for anti-foreigner myths, racism and hate in our society.”
This Writer would say she is far more accurate in saying right-wing politicians are scapegoating migrants, refugees and others – encouraging hate crime.
That is certainly what the Tories have been doing. Remember Theresa May’s “Go Home” vans, that toured London briefly, a few years ago?
We should certainly not excuse the people who commit the crimes – but let’s be honest about the politicians acting as their cheerleaders.
A teenage asylum seeker was left fighting for his life after being beaten in a “brutal attack” by a gang in what police are treating as a hate crime.
The 17-year-old was waiting at a bus stop with two friends in Croydon, south-east London, when he was set upon by about eight youths. They asked him where he was from, and when he told them he was an asylum seeker they chased after him and launched their attack.
Scotland Yard said the boy suffered serious head injuries and was originally in a critical condition in hospital. His status has since been revised to “serious but stable”. His two friends escaped with minor injuries.
The attack happened in Shrublands Avenue at 11.40pm on Friday, and no arrests have been made.
Source: Teenager suffers serious head injuries in Croydon ‘hate crime’ attack | UK news | The Guardian
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So we have the one sided story of something that happened outside a pub just before midnight, how come if 8 people attacked only one of the three was badly injured, could it be that there was something other than the claimed asylum seeker story? We should wait and see before going all out with abotts hate crimes.
Let’s hope there’s a trial. Until then, let’s go with what we’ve got.
The Tories don’t give a damn, unless it’s one of them.
Sick state of the Nation as we go farther to the right
What a delightful country I live in. This is the result of years of scapegoating that our current Government have indulged in. Coupled with their so beloved Austerity thet has taken away the life chances and the lives of so many of ordinary peopleof this country who ‘trusted’ them with their welfare and future. The smoke and mirrors and the Lies and deception should haunt the Tory party for many generations to come. Such a shame they cant be sued for punitive damages by everyone that have harned.
Its time we all started a Hate Tory Campaign, see how they like it.
I grew up less than a kilometre from this incident and knew the area well from when the original golf links was developed as a prefab estate. When I last visited, it struck me as a well provisioned suburban estate and it saddens me that this area should be devalued by such an incident. It is all the more poignant if a report I’ve heard is true that the victim was an Iranian Kurd – they have had more than enough conflict in their lives already without having to face our possibly home-grown hooligans.
Unfortunately, it is difficult to adequately express frustration with the Mayhem generated by our present unelected ‘government’, especially as we have to face three more years of their ineptitude before they care to face the electorate. How different might the response have been had the victim been a member of the parliamentary party. Still, as your first respondent said, final judgement should wait until full details are available when there may well need to be a serious call for action as southerneruk suggested.
Dreadful. I hope he recovers from his injuries and the culprit s are caught and punished. I would parachute them into Syria just before they send in our government sanctioned bombers, see what they think about claiming asylum
for themselves then!