Truss in trouble: Will she be stripped of Lord Chancellor role?

The Lord Chancellor waited nearly 48 hours before responding to backlash against the High Court Brexit ruling [Image: Getty].
Cabinet ministers are reportedly urging Theresa May to sack Liz Truss from her role as Lord Chancellor after a series of embarrassing mistakes.
The change could see the Ministry of Justice broken up and the role of Lord Chancellor and Justice Secretary split between two different ministers.
Ms Truss currently performs both jobs but her performance has been heavily criticised by senior members of the UK judiciary.
She was condemned for failing to defend high court judges after they were attacked in the right-wing press for ruling that Parliament should be given a say on Brexit. Lord Thomas, the Lord Chief Justice, called Ms Truss’ response “constitutionally, absolutely wrong”.
Ms Truss was contradicted by Britain’s most senior judge last month after the Justice Secretary announced plans to “bring forward” new rules allowing pre-recorded cross-examination evidence to be used in cases relating to sexual offences.
Source: Justice Secretary Liz Truss ‘could be stripped of Lord Chancellor role’ after series of mishaps
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Yup can’t have negative vibes especially when not standing up for the Government branch of justice and judges…..which regretfully it looks like they are. She’ll have to go or learn how to lie faster like the rest of this wretched corrupt government.
WTF are the Tories doing allowing a P*ss Poor at Everything (PPE) graduate to become Lord Chancellor?
This at the very least needs an individual with a legal brain and some resemblance of intelligence.