Tory lead falls by EIGHT points in one week 

Last Updated: April 27, 2017By

This is one for all those committed poll-watchers who were determined that all the polls show the Tories trouncing Labour:

The Tories are losing their lead – in a big way.

With more than a month to go before the general election takes place, there’s plenty of time to take the remaining 16 points away from the Blue Meanies and create a commanding lead.

It’s good to see members of the public are realising just how biased the news media have been.

One week ago, just after the General Election was called, the Tories were – according to Tory-owned YouGov – running 24 points (48%/24%) ahead of Labour in voting intention.

For the moment, let’s leave aside the issue of whether it’s really credible that almost half the people in the country intend to vote Tory when the Conservatives are a shambles and the Prime Minister is so clearly wooden and remote – even with the help of glove-puppet media.

Today, the Daily Mirror is reporting YouGov’s polling results showing a dramatic change to 45%/29% – still a substantial 16points, but down by eight percentage points in just a single week. (NB: the Mirror says seven, but it wrongly states that YouGov’s voting intention polling had the Tories 23% ahead last week).

Source: Tory lead falls by EIGHT points in 1 week | The SKWAWKBOX

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  1. Barry Davies April 27, 2017 at 3:51 pm - Reply

    Do we believe polls anymore? they haven’t got anything right for years.

  2. John April 27, 2017 at 3:51 pm - Reply

    I’d love to see the anti-Corbyn/Labour people explain that one away! LOL

  3. Giri Arulampalam April 27, 2017 at 4:00 pm - Reply

    Good news; Tory lead is falling. This may be because, Corbyn has taken his campaign to the streets. Corbyn is very good at this type of “down-to-earth” campaigning. We need a Labour Party victory this time.

  4. Dez April 27, 2017 at 4:40 pm - Reply

    Always wary of something that has the title “YouGov” especially paid for by Cons. Will be interesting to see what vote catchers they pinch off the others manifestos however unfortunately for them they have proved over many years with very few exceptions they never deliver their promises, they lie lie and lie again and to cap off their sub integrity they cheat their expenses at the actual election. Yes they are certainly rightly known as the Cons. It’s wakey wakey time folk at least you know that JC is certainly not another conning globalist trojan horse like Trump or worse Clinton..

  5. Ultraviolet April 27, 2017 at 5:31 pm - Reply

    One thing to remember with the polls. The current distribution of seats in 2015 came from a balance of Labour 30, Tory 37. For a significant increase in her majority, May needs to be significantly further ahead than that.

    Next point: we have recently been told that the Tories are surging in Scotland and Wales. Therefore proportionately less of their enhanced advantage is in England.

    And the New Statesman suggested recently that the Tories are worried about losing up to 27 seats to the Lib Dems.

    Finally, how big a win does May have to score in order for the calling of the election not to be a resigning matter? Obviously if she loses ground she is toast. But what if this gamble gains her a net advance of just five seats. Is that a big enough win to justify her have taken this gamble? How about ten? Twenty? Would anything less than an increase of 25 seats not damage her beyond repair?

  6. lawrencesroberts April 27, 2017 at 5:55 pm - Reply

    Shy socialists?

  7. foggy April 27, 2017 at 6:17 pm - Reply

    I’d take this poll, like all polls, with a pinch of salt. I’ve been a member on the yougov panel for12 months now. They know my voting preference yet I’ve never been asked to take part in a political poll, not one !! The only polls I’ve been asked to take part in are just boring marketing polls. I’ve recently seen others stating the same so my thinking in this change is a psychological tactic so as Conservative voters don’t become placid and get out and vote

  8. Roy Beiley April 27, 2017 at 7:25 pm - Reply

    I do not understand why YouGov suddenly starts saying that the Tories are down 8 points in a week when up til now the only way has been up and up and up. Perhaps there a flicker of disenchantment with May within the Tory Party and this is a shot across her bows to ensure that she doesn’t renege of her hard Brexit stance in the face of reality. She has certainly put herself between a rock and a hard place by seeming to be both for and against a hard Brexit depending on which day of the week she makes some utterance on the issue.

    • Mike Sivier April 28, 2017 at 9:44 am - Reply

      YouGov is reporting that the GAP is down by eight points – Tories lost four; Labour gained four.
      The polling company is finding that people can change their minds. Gosh.

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