It’s ‘Defence Day’ for Labour! Let’s demolish a few Tory lies
Needless to say, Tories have already tried to rubbish it. Boris Johnson has already said Mr Corbyn would “chuck away” the UK’s ability to defend itself.
Really? With, for example, a plan for a like-for-like replacement of Trident? And are we really going to accept criticism on foreign policy from BoJo the International Clown?
Tory candidate James Cleverly tried to suggest the Labour leader’s manifesto policies are fake and he would go back to (what the Tory press say are) his real beliefs if elected.
What did that legendary political commentator, Bono from U2, have to say about this sort of thing? “It’s no secret that a liar won’t believe anyone else”? I think Mr Cleverly has said more about himself than Mr Corbyn.
But what did Mr Corbyn say?
He said this:
The Philosophy of Bomb First Talk Later foreign policy has failed.
— Tory Fibs (@ToryFibs) May 12, 2017
This Site has run articles on this subject, and Mr Corbyn is right. Remember the ‘Cycle of International Stupidity’? Here’s the infographic to remind you:
It is what David Cameron supported before he ran away; it is what Theresa May supports now. Mr Corbyn says – and I agree – there is a better way.Mr Corbyn said:
Jeremy Corbyn would use Nuclear Weapons. But as he said in Marr 3 weeks ago, never as a first strike policy.
— Tory Fibs (@ToryFibs) May 12, 2017
And he said:
Just now, Jeremy Corbyn gives a thoughtful & mature speech on our relationship with the USA under Trump. Listen in:
— Tory Fibs (@ToryFibs) May 12, 2017
Compare that with Theresa May:
Every time Theresa May robotically says the phrase "strengthen my hand", just remember who she likes to hold hands with
— Louis Staples (@LouisStaples) May 3, 2017
Hadn’t she just been told he had committed an act of war when she took his hand there? I forget the details so perhaps somebody would like to enlighten us?
This clip is also illuminating, as it shows some of Mrs May’s other traits, alongside her penchant for holding hands with dangerous foreign leaders:
Theresa May is strong against the weak and weak against the strong →
— Jeremy Corbyn (@jeremycorbyn) May 6, 2017
Mrs May was set to make a speech today, attacking Mr Corbyn and calling on “patriotic” Britons to support her.
Is there anything patriotic about kowtowing to the biggest bully on the planet? I don’t think so.
Is there anything patriotic about giving a big tax cut to big corporations for no reason? No.
But let us do as she asks, and make the real patriotic choice.
Let’s vote Labour on June 8.
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When one adds, to the stupid wars infographic, those wars that were instigated by false flags and lies then the stupid element morphs into corruption, greed and asset stripping. All these wars were chorographed by globalist with very big agendas. With the aid of false information, read lies, the populations were led by the nose into agreeing to the elite taking the UK and other countries to these recent wars. One of these sad days, in this nuclear age, they will strike back big time with interest thus bringing their countries carnage,people displacement and total destruction into our back yard.
I found Polly Toynbee’s comment that there was nothing in Corbyn’s manifesto that anyone could not like but that she didn’t think people would vote for it because of Corbyn the most crass comment I have ever heard. How can you like a fantastic manifesto and not like the person who wrote it. I would even vote for May if she had written it and frankly I cannot say that I like her; I had better correct that straight away as I would never vote for anyone who accepted fox-hunting as a sport.
It’s not stupidity actually. Never underestimate the enemy. It’s a cynical realpolitic strategy to destabilize any regime in the Greater MiddleEast that could counter Israeli hence Western hegemony. Unfortunately it’s rather successful from their ;point of view, though not without its downside.
Be careful! I know you mentioned Israel but that’s enough to be labelled an anti-Semite, these days.
I stand by my earlier utterance that this term needs to be consigned to history.
Somebody once said that “in an infinite universe there exists somewhere, a monkey sitting at a typewrier writing Shakespeare”..
Well we have the misfortune it seems to be living on the planet where those Monkeys are in charge.
This sentence:-
The week before the election the Russian high command announced that Washington had convinced the Russian military that Washington intended a preemptive nuclear first strike against Russia. No European leader saw danger in this annoucement except Le Pen.
I’m quite sure this blog recognises what must follow from this situation, where Western Corporations (Including National Governments which too are Corporations) are pushing Russia irresponsibly toward the final war. Messianic? Perhaps, Sane? Err no. These Monkeys are quite mad. As the Monkey system collapses they would destroy everything to escape accounting for their monumental crimes. It is high time people break the cultural Marxist chains of the PC and Multi Culti, diversity scam and return to truth and sanity.
I’m not sure there’s all that much sanity in what you’ve said, to be honest.
A tad deep perhaps for my bear brain. However I think it points to a globalist version of Planet of the Apes 2
I really don’t know why anybody though Jeremy Corbyn was a pacifist, the man was a public supporter of the IRA and HAMAS, both of which killed hundreds of people by violence. Corbyn actually considered inviting representatives of HAMAS around for a cuppa and a chat.
Of course you know you are lying.
Jeremy Corbyn had publicly-reported talks with the IRA, yes, while the then-Conservative government of Margaret Thatcher lied that it did not negotiate with terrorists and then, behind closed doors, negotiated with the same terrorists. Corbyn’s aim was peace – and we got it, in the end.
Jeremy Corbyn referred to representatives of Hamas as “our friends”, sure, but he clarified that he meant it as a pleasantry, and not a sign that he was committed to their cause. Again, the intention was to negotiate peace, not to support war.
But you know all that, of course.
You are simply trying to fool the weak-minded into believing a nonsense line.
So, who do you support?
Do you support the Tories, who have launched hugely damaging military campaigns in the Middle East that have done nothing apart from mobilise the people of that region against us?
What better way to sort out your grievances than to have a cuppa and a chat? Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. How does one hope to achieve Peace by antagonising ones opponents? Surely, the aim is to have cordial relations with everybody or, is it, somehow, beneficial to have enemies?