CONFIRMED: Labour will end Tory persecution of the sick, disabled and poor
The Labour Party manifesto, released today (May 16) has confirmed what we all saw in the leaked version last week – a bonfire of the cruel legislation that has led to the deaths of thousands upon thousands of vulnerable people.
But remember – this is only what Labour would do, if elected back into office on June 8.
With the mass media lining up to attack Labour over any slightest quibble, that will be hard to achieve.
So please make sure all 12 million sick and disabled people, and all of the unemployed and under-employed get to see this.
Labour’s full manifesto can be read here.
As I wrote last week:
This Writer has no problem whatsoever with a document written by an organisation that promises to “Scrap the Work Capability and Personal Independence Payment assessments and replace them with a personalised, holistic assessment process which provides each individual with a tailored plan, building on their strengths and addressing barriers”.
I applaud the (draft) announcement that Labour will “End the pointless stress of reassessments for people with severe long-term conditions“.
I welcome the plan to “Scrap the punitive sanctions regime“.
And I salute the promise to “Scrap the bedroom tax” (yes, the bedroom tax! “Spare room subsidy” – what an insult).
Anybody who expressed doubts that Labour would follow through on its promises can start eating their words.
And there’s more. Labour would:
- Increase ESA by £30 per week for those in the work-related activity group and repeal cuts in UC LCW.
- Uprate carer’s allowance by £11 to the level of Jobseekers Allowance.
- Implement the court decision on PIP so that there is real parity of esteem between those with physical and mental health conditions.
- Reinstate housing benefit for under-21s.
- Scrap bereavement support payment cuts.
- Review the cuts to work allowances in Universal Credit.
- Review the decision to limit tax credit and Universal Credit payments to the first two children in a family (the so-called “rape clause”).
- Commission a report into expanding the Access to Work programme.
Perhaps crucially, the party would “change how Jobcentre Plus staff are performance managed” – so DWP employees are no longer encouraged to find spurious ways of pushing the vulnerable off their books?
“Labour supports a social model of disability. People may have a condition or an impairment but are disabled by society. We need to remove the barriers in society that restrict opportunities and choices for disabled people,” the draft document states.
“We will change the culture of the social security system, from one that demonises people to one that is supportive and enabling.”
Labour’s Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary is Debbie Abrahams. This Writer has known her for several years now, and always considered her to be a person of strong professional integrity who would act on her promises.
This proves it.
If YOU have a long-term illness or disability, this is all the reason you need to vote Labour on June 8. If you don’t, but know somebody who does, please share this information with them.
And if you aren’t registered to vote, make sure you do so before May 22 by following this link.
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Why won’t they scrap Universal Credit? People who are still to get it are looking at huge hardships, hardships that can’t be overlooked!!
Just wonderful, the party of hope and caring. Compare to the nasty party that only wants to take from you and give to the rich. It makes me glad to be a card holding Labour supporter in a county of rich older people.
Maybe they might like to remember they might need help one day and remember the NHS we all relie on won’t be there if the Tories have there way. Well them is the choices vote with you eyes open, and not what the vile right wing media whould have you do…
Why do people fall for the claim of rich older people, they may have property but you can’t spend the value of it till you sell it. I’m an older person and retired but I was a lot better off when working.
Well they won’t be bothered as they probably
have their own private health insurance
(probably free)…what if the tories win this election it’d be another 5 years or more of misery & more deaths & we would just moan and groan as we have been for the last 7 years
on these blogs…if only someone could rally a really large protest gathering of thousands of people (ie us)
Sorry about my grammer
Thank You
i think its a bloody good start reversing all these torys cuts yet im shamed that these devils who took it upon themselves to cull the stock through benefits denial will get away scot free with whot they done shamefully they should be brought to book jeff3
Nice to see a labour U turn on this aspect of society
Good news.Tories believe that all the poor people are “scroungers”. They mess around with even those people who are in work. The work allowances and tax refunds of those who claim Universal Credit are delayed by more than 5 months!
50’s womens stolen pensions ,we are looking for some positive news for those of us that have lived off our savings and have nothing left to do now but sell the home.
You should take a look at the tory womens site, then you will see what 50’s women can be like to their Sisters.
Well someone has to pay the bill for keeping their horses warm
Hope labour wins hope people vote for them in droves
Hope everyone that has been affected by this greedy Torry benefit cuts vote in droves to get them out