At last, Britons are uniting – AGAINST Theresa May

Last Updated: May 19, 2017By

Theresa May won’t debate policy with other politicians; she falls to pieces when other people contradict her.

Have a look at this video, featuring nonsense drivel spoken by a woman who cringes while she’s saying it. Don’t worry, it doesn’t last long:

Notice the propaganda line that it’s the Tory plan for a “stronger, fairer, more prosperous” Britain?

They must think we all fell out of the ‘stupid’ tree.

Derby North’s Labour candidate Chris Williamson didn’t. Here’s his response to Mrs May and her ridiculous manifesto:

Others took it far more seriously, like this highly-emotional caller to Nick Ferrari on LBC who – rightly, I think – believes a Theresa May government could take her home away if her mother dies:

This cannot be allowed to happen.

Fortunately, it seems the United Kingdom is coming together to ensure that it doesn’t.

Most of us may be still reeling from the depravity unveiled by Mrs May in Halifax during her manifesto launch, but others have swung into action. I particularly like this infographic:

Also this one:

And this one:

All in all, it adds up to this:

There must be many more images and videos in circulation today. Feel free to send in your favourites, so I can get them some of the exposure they deserve.

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  1. Rupert Mitchell (@rupert_rrl) May 19, 2017 at 12:09 pm - Reply

    Theresa May’s manifesto proves that there is nothing strong and stable about her at all. Her only ambition seems to be to take from the majority of the people of this country and give the minority who already have everything. What that is going to do for the country as a whole I can only imagine will be disaster.

    Strong and stable can only be interpreted here as weak and feeble.

    I think the people of this country deserve better; much better and this is what they can expect with a decent forthcoming PM in Jeremy Corbyn.

  2. NMac May 19, 2017 at 12:20 pm - Reply

    It really is time people wised up to these Tory fraudsters. They are mean, nasty, cruel and vindictive people.

  3. Dez May 19, 2017 at 12:42 pm - Reply

    Her acting skills obviously need a lot of honing especially in the “look at me trying out my passionate arm waving”. This was the most excruitiating most insincere piece of lying I have seen for a long time and I will certainly not be following her pathetic lead or any of her useless yes men teams. I felt quite ill just looking at this woman trying to pretend she is strong. She will deliver diddly squat…immigration was a long time on her watch, her responsibility for dealing with, and she managed to increase it!! She is certainly not fit for purpose in leading any charge against the EU even JC could make a better effort than this excuse for a leader. Go back to supervising that bin person you humiliated in front of millions on the One Show.

  4. Florence May 19, 2017 at 2:00 pm - Reply

    My OH has two brothers who seem to lurk around UKIP, (a teacher and a trade) with Daily Fail reading elderly and ill parents. I pointed out that all their inheritance would go nursing their mother if the Tories are elected. The mother has been diagnosed with dementia and 84 year old Dad isn’t going to be able to cope much longer. OH is going to tell them to vote Labour. I’ll let you know how that goes! I wonder if their anti-immigrant, hard Brexit xenophobic bile is going to be overcome with self-interest of a more direct nature.

  5. blackghost55 May 19, 2017 at 3:14 pm - Reply

    At least Dick Turping wore a mask..
    I am f*'”;*g disgusted at this creature May & her government’s “get dead soon” manifests
    I used to get cold winter payments when it fell below a certain temperature but that stopped ages ago i even got a dreaded brown letter before xmas saying i would get a £10 xmas payment but I didd’nt receive it I don’t remember the last time I did..
    I feel so sorry for this poor woman & all the other thousands in the same position..
    I glad that people are starting to respond to this evil tory Gvnt..

    I’ve read a few other peoples comments suggesting that She has deliberately set this up so they she’s not elected
    Would she actually do this??

    Keep up the good work Mike
    Many Thanks

  6. Tess May 22, 2017 at 3:23 pm - Reply

    ”Theresa May – Come with me and i shall lead you down
    the garden path of destruction and total

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