People on the social media are destroying Theresa May and the Tories

According to Jack Slater on Twitter, this image of Theresa May is “When everyone around you is telling you to be ‘strong and stable’ but you feel anything but…”
So much for Theresa May’s ‘Falklands moment’.
Her attempt to look stateswomanlike and strong by putting the army on UK streets is getting a drubbing on the social media, where a new hashtag has emerged – #britishthreatlevels
Here’s an example, from Tom Pride:
Now UK government has raised the terrorist threat levels, a quick reminder of what they mean:
#BritishThreatLevels— Tom Pride (@ThomasPride) May 24, 2017
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This one should have been included but I haven’t seen it there so far:
Many people have picked up on the fact that Mrs May’s own police cuts created the situation where she now has to put the army on the streets:
Troops are on British streets b/c #TheresaMay believes strong and stable is firing 20k police officers.
— John Smith (son of Harry Leslie Smith) (@Harryslaststand) May 24, 2017
And there are other posts making similar points:
I think it's becoming increasingly obvious to anyone that doesn't read the Mail/Sun that Theresa May is anything but strong and stable.
— Rachael Swindon (@Rachael_Swindon) May 24, 2017
It should be clear that Mrs May can’t do anything right – not even her current attempt at using terrorism to subvert democracy.
So please vote Labour on June 8.
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the bottom line to this tragic event is that the security for the event had not been followed
any group of people over 20’000 needs to have a police presence as far as I’m aware to maintain safety on the outside of the dwelling (sports stadium ) a gathering of people (festival) ETC
The promoter also shares responsible for insuring that the venue is suitable for his clients needs with regards security
The council overall will need to look at if the Manchester arena were in keeping with their licence for operational purposes
had this been a political event it would have gone off without a hitch as it would have had police presence externally
I would guess from a risk management point of view the perpetrators had sussed out that the after show exposure would be the weak link when security would be relaxed and access from uncleared picker uppers would not be checked just waiting not wanting to gain access to the show..
Troops on the street tell me May has lost control. Does she think she can dodge the questions we shall be asking on behalf of those who are grieving? i
I have to say that when May has pictures, why is it that pulls a lot strange faces.
The Tories need destroying for the evil they have put the weakest in our society through. It’s an outrage. The last Tory mp, told so many lies that he had to leave politics, hopefully for ever. And now we have Mrs May who pulls faces at everything.
Please lord deliver us from this evil nasty party. Amen.
May should now let Rudd take the helm. Rudd is in charge of this. Mother T had her chance at Home Office during which time she let in far more refugees than was agreed and depleted the police force to pay for the financial market clearup costs. Mays had her key statements to the nation air time exposure and yes yes we can see how strong and stable you are in a crisis and how serious this Con government takes this terrible event. ….but now let Rudd run the show instead of showing her as your minion darting about behind May in the background shots. I want to see how good Rudd is in a crisis hopefully none like this again.
Beyond belief that these are the same people who are supposed to be negotiating the Exit end game from the EU they could not organise the proverbial knees up in a house of ill repute.
It is a shame that people are using this against May after all it is MI5 that sets the threat levels based on their intelligence reports, relieving the small number of armed police their from their protection duties, by using the armed forces, to put them into more traditional anti terrorism roles seems like a good move, pitiful attempts to make political ground out of a dreadful attack is not really what we should expect from the public at this time.
Theresa May is the one making pitiful attempts to gain political ground.
She is, after all, the one who cut police numbers by around 20,000 in order to save money – and leaving us less safe.
Its her and her lots propeganda about strong stable government rhats the problem and Corbyn would lead to more debt 2010 national debt 750 trillion today 1700+ national debt 7 years of austerity Blair started with Iraq lies.Tories helped destabilize Lybia and Syria we played into isis hands gave these madmen an Excuse for Jihad and he was a madman not a muslim terrorist just a rabid callous madman.So if you live by the sword die by it.My heart cries out for all the grieving families Im a dad and grandpa my daughter had talked of going down so dont ask me to not use there stupidity against them, because i believe there policies are Evil too
Just one point: Your comment about Labour and debt is wildly inaccurate.
Sadly, this happens every time such a tragedy occurs. Forget not that the mainstream media and the Tories were quick to point to finger at Jeremy Corbyn. What had he to do with any of this?
Ohh for feck sake Barry Davis, the whole reason why we are here in this situation is because of the very politics “May” Played and lost with the Policing cuts , talk about gambling with the lives of innocents and they lost not her !
John Snow just reiterated your verdict on threat levels on Channel 4 News
I don’t think this was a false flag attack, (too much to lose if it was ever credibly revealed) but I do think it is being used to the Tory advantage as May is now on TV far more then the other party leaders.
I think it’s going to take some time for may to wash the blood off her penny pinching hands and I feel sick to the stomach that bad government policies have cost so many innocent lives.
I predict a Tory majority of between 60 and 80. And the more of this stuff that gets shared on ‘the social media’, the larger it will become,
We’ll soon find out.
The Tories have fought an unusually – and interestingly – dirty campaign but I think it might backfire against them.
And yet the Tories are TWENTY POINTS ahead in the most recent poll.
Are they? All the more reason for Labour supporters to GET OUT AND VOTE on JUNE 8, then.
Vote for a IRA sympathiser who is delusional enough to think that talking will stop these Islamic, jihadist fanatics. This isn’t Northern Ireland and the troubles we are talking about, this is extremism that cant be controlled by diplomacy. As far as they are concerned the western people are the infidels and they must be crushed to bring them into line. As far as Isis is concerned, Islam is the only true religion and they want to force it on the whole world, particularly the west. Plus I wouldn’t vote for someone who doesn’t believe in a nuclear deterrent and would leave Britain wide open to attack. Also the department of fiscal studies have said that Corbyn and labour would give us the highest taxes since the aftermath of WW2. There is also a shortfall of £41billion in their referendum figures. They’ve made promises they can’t keep even if they tax us to the hilt, so no even though I’ve voted labour all my life, I won’t be voting for them this time.
There’s so much wrong with this comment that it demands rebuttal.
Firstly, if you’re referring to Jeremy Corbyn, he isn’t an IRA sympathiser – nor is he a pacifist. If negotiations fail, he’ll do the necessary – but he’ll do it in a way that ensures we don’t end up radicalising any more people, to continue the cycle of violence.
By the way, most Muslims are horrified by the behaviour of these terrorists and consider them to have nothing to do with Islam as practised properly.
Regarding the nuclear deterrent: Anyone who uses it first isn’t using it as a deterrent. Anyone who uses it after someone has fired their own missiles has to accept that it wasn’t a deterrent. You are telling us that you will only vote for someone insane enough to support MAD – mutually assured destruction. As far as nuclear attack is concerned, the UK is wide open to it, just like every other country always has been, including countries that have never had nuclear weapons. Strangely enough, those countries are not yet radioactive craters so I find your argument lacks coherence.
There is no Department of Fiscal Studies. The INSTITUTE of Fiscal Studies, an independent body with its own agenda, may have said that Labour’s tax plan would result in the highest tax take since World War II, but you have neglected the most important part of it: Only the top five per cent of earners, plus corporations, will be affected. Everybody else’s taxes will be unchanged. Basically, the people who will pay a little more are those who have spent the last seven years profiting hugely from the misfortunes of the rest of us.
There is no shortfall in Labour’s figures – they are fully costed. Why you describe them as “referendum” figures is beyond me. You are also making a false assumption that the economy can only contract, as it has under the Conservatives.
It seems to me that you have been hoodwinked – utterly and completely – by Conservative Party propaganda. Please consider unplugging yourself from all that nonsense. The Tories won’t help you! Vote for a better future instead.
No they are their lead has been slashed and it will be slashed further in the next 2 weeks. Apart from being heartless and nasty the Tories couldn’t organise their way out of a paper bag. If it was, the so serious it would be funny.
Bearing in mind how long this threat has been hanging over us since the London attacks in my mind hands on security has slipped back quite a lot. Few robust bag searches anymore when it used to be very common place at large gatherings so certainly a long overdue and much needed wake up call. However the threat was always there and amplified by european attacks it was just waiting for this sad inevitable situation to come along to actually do something to ramp up instead of just treading water……….I do believe the cutbacks were a big Cons mistake an economy to far and these same cutbacks must have also impacted these hospitals taking the woulnded who are already being decimated by the Tories privatisation plans and worse cut backs in A&E’s …. feckin idiots. Vote Labour get them out of the system before they invoke martial law next. .
This is currently being shared on twitter. Sad.
Thanks Zippi, good catch, very informative…..This exasperated guy bravely spoke directly to Maam May, as she was at that time in the Home Office, as an officer in the real front line of policing. He had already been recognised for his diligence and going beyond the call of duty, warning this brain dead woman of exactly what her cuts would do to the future of policing and this countries long term security. Grass roots, from the heart, truthful feedback to the leadership why else would he have been put forward to speak at the conference.. And did this so called leadership take anything on board?? Of course she did not …… not one jot of this wisdom was taken on board because she and her lamebrain colleagues do not listen to the rank ‘n file as the leadership are far to intelligent to take notice of what’s happening on the front line. Bit like the first world war when those wafting back the Bolly in the safety of the Chateaus had not a clue hat was going on in the trenches and how their tactics were outdated, useless and killing thousands of their own troops.
Destory the country
corbyn has a very similar personality as myself and will do a grand job overseas like I have always done with hundred’s of pictures to prove