Why do the mainstream press let the Tories get away with systematically abusing disabled people?

Last Updated: May 29, 2017By

[Image: Another Angry Voice.]

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Do you remember when the mainstream media whipped up a storm of condemnation of Theresa May and the Tories after a study at Herriot Watt university found that the Tory Work Capacity Assessment regime is fundamentally discriminatory to people with mental health conditions, that staff carrying out the assessments were unqualified to make mental health judgements, and that the discriminatory WCA process actually intensified the mental health conditions of many of the people who were forced to go through it?

No. Because it didn’t happen.

Just like the UK press failed to whip up a storm of condemnation of the Tory government when the courts ruled that their Work Capacity Assessment was discriminatory towards people with mental health conditions in 2013, yet they carried on regardless.

Just like the UK press failed to whip up a storm of condemnation of the Tory government when it was revealed in January 2016 that this discriminatory Tory Work Capacity Assessment regime actually costs far more in corporate outsourcing fees than it will ever save in reduced benefits payments, meaning the whole traumatic farce actually relies of taxpayer subsidies to keep going.

Just like the UK press failed to whip up a storm of condemnation of the Tory government when the United Nations produced a scathing report into the way disabled people’s rights are being systematically violated by the Tory government.

Just like UK press failed to whip up a storm of condemnation of the Tory government when they were caught specifically instructing the corporations who administer the Work Capacity Assessment regime to actively discriminate against people with mental health conditions (whilst simultaneously dressing themselves up as champions of mental health!).

Source: Why do the mainstream press let the Tories get away with systematically abusing disabled people?

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  1. Jeffrey Davies May 29, 2017 at 2:59 pm - Reply

    Allowing the BBC channels 3 4 5. To show up the disabled has worthless scrounges showing you the disabled olimpians how they can do it all part of their plan of aktion t4 denial of benefits causes many to starve loss their homes dignity deaths by government yep its happened but the public won’t believe that a government could and can cull the disabled stock under their eyes oh dear

  2. PJB May 29, 2017 at 3:05 pm - Reply

    Unfortunately it isn’t just us sick and disabled with mental health problems as I have and I have physical problems also.
    But you are absolutely spot on.

  3. Barry Davies May 29, 2017 at 6:27 pm - Reply

    It’s because 6 years of Cameron and his mantra “for hardworking people” was jumped on by the mass media, now they can’t admit they were backing an anti unemployed anti sick and incapacitated anti disabled tax cutting program.

    • Zippi May 30, 2017 at 4:45 pm - Reply

      No, it was “hard working families,” as if nobody else worked hard. People like him tend to forget that it was hard work that disabled many people. My mother always used to tell us that hard work never killed anybody, she has, since, added; it maims them.

      • Mike Sivier June 1, 2017 at 3:43 pm - Reply

        Yup. We all reckon it was hard work that harmed Mrs Mike.

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