May spoke of the ‘coalition of chaos’ – now she’s going to form one

Arlene Foster, leader of the DUP, who was implicated in the so-called Cash for Ash scandal that resulted in the collapse of the power-sharing government of Northern Ireland.
And she’ll bugger up Brexit while she’s at it.
Take a look at this comment from Julian Field on the Vox Political Facebook page:
“She [Theresa May] should be the one to deal with Brexit. It’s a poison chalice, so let her drink from it. When she messes it up, which is more inevitable now, than it was previously, she and her party will be obliterated at the next election. Better that way than for Labour to form a coalition with the SNP – which would still leave them short of a majority – and achieve nothing of any real significance. Furthermore, if such a coalition were to mess up on Brexit, it would be the same catastrophic result for them at the next election. By far and away, the greater of two evils.”
It has long been suggested that Mrs May played to lose in the 2017 general election – in the hope that Labour would have to take the “poison chalice” of Brexit. Now she is having to drink from that chalice instead; let’s hope she chokes on it.
Whatever she does, she needs to form an alliance of her own with other political parties; after having warned of a “coalition of chaos” between Labour and the SNP, the Conservatives must now ally themselves with someone else – the Democratic Unionist Party of Northern Ireland.
Is this a wise choice?
The smart commenters are already saying “no”.
Jane Hartley-Jacques, again on the VP Facebook page, writes: “DUP are anti-LGBT, anti-abortion, anti-women’s rights, climate change deniers, and evolution deniers with many believing in creation teaching. Its leader is linked to a financial scandal with on-going investigation. More evidence of strong and stable Treesa.”
And more problems may lurk within the Parliamentary Conservative Party for Mrs May:
Holding hands with Trump, doing deals with Saudi's+now losing majority but staying with DUP support indicates desperate PM with no morality
— Terence Turvey (@terryturvey) June 9, 2017
If I had to choose a party to have undue influence over government the DUP would be the last barring UKIP. They're a nightmare of prejudice
— Richard Murphy (@RichardJMurphy) June 9, 2017
May repeatedly said she wants to fight religious extremism yet forges a government with the support of the DUP… #UKelections #Election2017
— Britt Meulenberg (@brittmeulenberg) June 9, 2017
Honestly, how long can this alliance last?
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It would be funny if it weren’t so scary!
*screams in despair*
Wow! May’s lack of competence, judgement and hypocrisy knows no limits. I suspect she will, having dug herself into a hole, now dig herself deeper and deeper into it…
Apparently the Tories’ Magic Money Tree can be wheeled out for Northern Ireland now that the terrorist sympathising DUP has a blank cheque from Wibbly-Wobbly May to keep her in power.
And the progressives parties in parliament have almost 3 million more votes than this Coalition of Nastiness.
It won’t last more than a year.
Yet another knee jerk, lack of common sense, Cons decision which will end up with yet more failures and heaps of added embarrasment locally and internationally. Good. That will do nicely if it helps get rid of her and her cabal once and for all. I bet the Cons good showing in the local elections lured her into thinking she could not lose. Also made very big mistake, as did the media, that thought the Labour party right wing MPs had hog tied JC to being an impotent total lefty loser who was going no where. Big learning curve Madam May proving you are not a leader you only struck out when your thought you could not possibly loose and the foe was on their knees. Close the door on the way out…..and put JCs bins out when you are passing..
I have stopped feeling depressed about this and see what mistakes she Will make!!!
Hopefully if there is another election in August, maybe by then your political troubles will be over, you will be an asset! Also people will regret throwing their hats in with the Tories, some of the media are already regretting backing her and trying to destroy Jeremy.
My worry is that the additional power given to the DUP could tip the delicate balance in Northern Ireland and re-ignite the troubles.
Corbyn’s critics within the Labour Party should hang their heads in shame because without their childish behaviour, Labour could well have had a landslide raher than being in such a precarious position.
And the other upside is that it renders the “Corbyn is friends with terrorists” tactic which was employed so relentlessly in the last couple of weeks completely null-and-void; if anything it might rebound the other way. gets out tiny violin
I have Dementia and I’m struggling to work out where all, Would someone please tell me, thank you for your support
And where do sick and disabled people stand, will they still be robbed by the nasty party.
Where will mean to all parties and us.
One of the big learnings from this vote is that the Cons are fully aware now that the public have had enough of austerity measures that just screw the poor and vulnerable yet hand out tax cuts to the high earners and businesses. With such a precarious position in parliament they cannot be sure they will win any contencious issues with the fear their own MPs voting against the decision. There is no slack at all in the Cons parliamentary voting position so hard to see that they will commit political suicide by introducing some of the things they had in store to hit the poor and vulnerable. With Jeremy now the public favourite with fresh ideas and reducing and reversing the Cons austerity measure just keep promoting the Labour party and make sure they get even more votes next chance….very shortly hopefully with their resident comedian Boris headlining.
Notice how Corbyn got stick for years for calling Hamas, “My friends”?
What did May call the mouthpiece of the Loyalist Paras yesterday?