Hundreds of thousands sign hopeless petition to stop May-DUP alliance

Theresa and the terrorists (or at least, terrorist-supporters): If this tactic fails, at least they can go and form a band – although Mrs May would need serious work on her singing voice.
A petition to stop Theresa May forming a ‘confidence and supply’ deal with the Democratic Unionist Party has gained nearly 635,000 signatures in less than three days, despite having no hope of success.
The petition on the website accuses Mrs May of hypocrisy; she had run her election vowing to oppose any attempt to create a so-called ‘coalition of chaos’, but was now forming exactly such an alliance.
And it said the deal was nothing more than “a disgusting, desperate attempt to stay in power”.
The petition also lists DUP policies including legalising discrimination against anyone from the LGBT community, teaching creationism to children as scientific fact, a ban on abortion along with criminalisation of anyone offering or seeking advice on it, and bringing back the death penalty.
These are very good reasons for demanding that the deal be rescinded and Mrs May resign.
But the petition won’t make a scrap of difference because Mrs May acts only in her own interest – and her interest is in staying in power as long as possible, no matter how hypocritical she is proved to be.
However, there is still hope, because Mrs May does not seem to have considered the ramifications of her decision. Look at some of those DUP policies. Discrimination against LGBT people?
#TheresaMay Strong + Stable
Gets into bed with DUP to cling to power
Loses 19 Gay Tory MPs as a result!Back to #WeakAndWobbly#MayMustGo
— WeThePeople (@gaurangmorjaria) June 10, 2017
Indeed. But then, these are Conservative MPs. Like Theresa May, they could simply eject their principles and carry on hypocritically, in order to remain in power.
But what about the DUP’s connections with terrorists? According to sources, the party has been publicly and politically endorsed by the Red Hand Commando, the Ulster Volunteer Force [UVF], and the Ulster Defence Association [UDA] – and founders of the terrorist group Ulster Resistance went on to become DUP politicians.
Tories have a long history of supporting and funding terrorists. They're now getting into bed with them in 10 Downing St.
— Aleesha 🇵🇸 (@a_leesha1) June 9, 2017
Even if we accept that the DUP has a democratic mandate and has been part of a peaceful power-sharing arrangement in Northern Ireland for many years, Mrs May is in violation of the Good Friday Agreement by entering into a deal with only one side of that power-share:
I think the real issue is whether the UK govt should form an agreement with one side of NI. Good Friday Agreement precludes it.
— Michael Rosen 💙💙🎓🎓 (@MichaelRosenYes) June 10, 2017
A bunch of vile bigots now have a weak government over a barrel, and the peace process is undermined. Well done @theresa_may
— Owen Jones (@OwenJones84) June 10, 2017
If there is any hope, it is very slim – as it lies with Conservative politicians who have principles:
Deeply unhappy w idea of a formal coalition w DUP. We should run w minority Gov & work Xparty on big issues. UK demands grown up politics
— Heidi Allen (@heidiallen75) June 10, 2017
Fine words from Ms Allen, but she has a record which includes speaking out against Tory government policies only to back them when push came to shove. Still…
A number of Tory MPs are considering writing to the chair of the 1922 committee demanding Theresa May stand down. 48 signatures are needed.
— Rachael Swindon (@Rachael_Swindon) June 9, 2017
Apparently the source of this is BBC 5 Live. Even so, it seems Mrs May has yet another trick up her sleeve:
VERY credible folk saying May is reaching out to Tim Farron for coalition deal. If LibDems prop up Tories AGAIN, voters won't forgive them!
— Jeremy for PM (@jeremyforlab) June 10, 2017
The Liberal Democrats – going back into coalition with the Conservatives? Surely not! That would mark the end of them as any kind of political force; the voters will never countenance two betrayals by the same party!
Will we?
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The DUP are the Protestant jihadis who will fit in perfectly with the far right conservative Tory Taliban. They deny scientific evidence for climate change, for evolution, for human equalities and human rights especially for gay people. They demand power over women’s bodies by forcing them to carry babies to term even if the child will be severely disabled or the result of rape or incest.They believe the bible to be absolutely true in every respect and not to be allegory etc so the world is only 14000 years old and was created in a week. No dinosaurs, no evolution.
The DUP are the political wing of the ‘loyalist’ terrorists who committed many atrocities during the troubles in much the same way that Sinn Fein were the political wing of the provisional IRA. But the loyalists never gave up all their guns and still have an armoury.
What will the DUP demand for its cooperation? This will result in the tearing up of the Good Friday Agreement and a return to the troubles all because of a stupid misguided attempt to ambush the electorate and increase a feeble majority.
“It’s important not to let the DUP’s general grossness overshadow just what a colossally irresponsible move this is from TM. It’s INSANE”
You need to read this Twitter thread about Northern Ireland
By dealing with a party of bigots May has shown that she is prepared to stoop to any depth in order to stay in power. We need a leader of integrity who would be prepared to back down and lose his or her aim rather than sell us down the river and that person is and will be Jeremy Corbyn.
How can you be lgbt and be a torie mp ….wtf……thease lgbt torie mp,s must have so real issues with themselves becouse i remember the thatcher government like the reagan adminnistration completely ingnored the aids crisis for the first 5 years leading to the formation of outrage uk and act up in the us and if that wasnt bad enough the tories introduced clause 28…i remember …i was there thoughout the whole thing.
The coalition of chaos, propped up by terrorist sympathisers – it disgusts me. May and her equally odious cronies are making the country into a laughing stock. JC4PM.
but Tim Farron has categorically said there will be NO coalition between lib dems and any other party/ i assume having learnt lessons that last time they lost a lot of votes after getting into bed with the cons, only to find that they were actually held down by the cons foot in spite of Nick Clegg being deputy PM (but was that DPM in name only?) yes he stopped a number of things going through. but not that many. and now hes lost his seat… says it all. so farron is thinking on all that and knows, more so now with TMs attitude of having it all her own way. that once she secures their seats the lib dems will be relegated to almost oblivion as happened with cameron.