Another Tory cock-up: Both the Queen’s Speech and Brexit negotiations may be delayed – because they clash

Andrea Leadsom, leader of the House of Commons, will issue a statement on the timing of the Queen’s Speech “in due course”. When’s that, then? [Image: AP.]
The reason given is that Brexit negotiations are due to start on the same day.
But we are also being told those talks could be delayed – because of the Queen’s Speech!
What are we supposed to believe?
Well, according to the Cabinet Manuel, in a hung Parliament such as we have at the moment the incumbent Prime Minister – Theresa May – is entitled to attempt to form a government and remain in office until Parliament meets for the first time. Then the PM must ask Parliament to approve their version of the Queen’s Speech – the programme of Parliamentary activity.
If the Queen’s Speech put forward by the incumbent PM is voted down – or if it becomes clear in the run-up to the Queen’s Speech that the PM will not gain the support of a majority of MPs for the legislative programme it sets out, then the government is expected to resign.
So delaying the Queen’s Speech means Theresa May can remain in government without having the support of a Parliamentary majority – at least for the time being.
Why do it? There are some obvious conclusions to be drawn:
The Brexit excuse doesn’t ring true, as it is possible that those talks could be delayed.
We must consider other possibilities.
Doesn’t it seem far more likely that Mrs May is unlikely to get her deal with the DUP and is scrabbling for time to find another ally?
It has been reported that the 13 new Scottish Conservative MPs are determined that any deal with the DUP will not lead to any retreat on gay rights or equal marriage policies – but the DUP is strongly opposed to both. There are other openly gay Tory MPs who may also object.
And the DUP’s connections with terrorism open another can of worms after Mrs May fought her election campaign with claims that Jeremy Corbyn had links with terrorists.
The trouble is, her list of possible allies is extremely short. Most parties would happily form a ‘progressive alliance’ against the Tories.
But the delay allows her to hang on – not forever, but for a limited time – and that means she’ll try to do as much damage as she still can.
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The coalition of chaos propped up by terrorist sympathisers is totally incompetent.
yet why did she take her hubby to meet the queen is her husband a part of the government he certainly making crumbs from the contracts given out
Good question!
In fairness, Camoron DID take his wife when they won in 2015 was it? Or, at least, I think he did?
Does the Cabinet Manual say how long May can drag this out for? (It looks like she’s already lied to the Queen about having formed a gov’t).
Any extra expenses that are incurred by this fiasco should be deducted directly from the Conservative Party purse and not paid for by us Taxpayers.
Does anyone trust “Tiny” Tim, though?
Surely Theresa May is in breach of the Crown constitution because she went to the Queen stating she was ready to form a Government when in actual fact they were not and there was no agreement in place with the DUP according to what they say….Cock up indeed…Whats more how can one legally change a Manifesto which was put in place for the General election campaign and now changing it because it doesnt suit…is that legal? The Torys are acting outside that Constitution and are in breach of it surely?
I’m not sure about the first part, but politicians go against their manifestos all the time.
No reason to delay the start of the talks because it will be Civil servants doing the negotiating, just another ploy by the remain minority to defeat democracy.
I’m sorry but that seems insane to me.
your latter sentence is one ive used a number of times in the last few days. no other reason needed shes just determined to do as much damage as she can in as many areas as she can.
i just saw a headline in my local weekly newspaper,as i was in the supermarket earlier. it says 3 SCHOOL DAYS A WEEK DUE TO CUTS (in big bold black letters.) inside on page 7 it says the alliance of head teachers have had a discussion and its now decided that by the end of tHe next 12 months there is every likelihood of schools being open only 3 days a week/ teaching staff etc cut, (among other things)
I am at a loss to understand why any deal with the DUP is allowable given that they are joint partners in the Good Friday Agreement. Besides getting the country into political chaos she is in danger of re-igniting secretarian violence in Ulster. Is there no end in sight to her incompetence?