Backbenchers let May stay as head of zombie government

[Image: Another Angry Voice.]
The simple fact is that keeping Theresa May as prime minister is now about as useful as putting a sticking plaster over a decapitation wound.
But that is what the Conservative backbench 1922 Committee has done.
Apparently Mrs May showed humility, recognised that there had been problems in the relationship between Downing Street and the party (a possible reference to Nick Timothy and Fiona Hill, who resigned as her co-chiefs of staff on Saturday), and accepted that her social care proposals had been a mistake – but the issue must still be addressed.
She said the Tories needed to move forward (isn’t that a slogan used by the DUP?) and listen to what the people are saying. There’s a first time for everything, one supposes, especially in Mrs May’s case.
In response, backbenchers are said to have engaged in desk-banging and cheering, in an attempt to outdo each other with displays of loyalty that the FT‘s Jim Pickard described as “pure pantomime of course”, and John Ashmore, chief reporter for politicshome, said a senior Tory described as “a sort of obscene spectacle of ambitious colleagues trying to outdo each other in fanatical loyalty.”
The simple fact is, they have no replacement lined up and no other options.
They know it is highly unlikely that Mrs May will be able to hold onto power, even with a confidence and supply agreement with the DUP – the terms of which will be rehashed every time Parliament votes on any legislation.
They probably expect her to fall if it becomes clear that she cannot get her proposed Queen’s Speech, outlining upcoming legislation, approved by Parliament.
But the other option is to relinquish power altogether, at once, and they’re not willing to do that.
They would rather go on, as a ‘zombie’ government, unable to get anything done but unwilling to give up and pass away.
They’re Tories.
Twitter has, of course, been having fun:
All eyes should be on Theresa Mayhem's meeting with the 1922 Committee, today. Will tell us how the rest of this week will likely pan out.
— Steve Topple (@MrTopple) June 12, 2017
Queen's Speech: delayed.
DUP deal: crumbling.
1922 Committee: meeting later
*sip#CorbynWins— Nɪᴄᴋ Rʜᴏᴅᴇs 🇺🇦 (@nick_rhodes_nz) June 12, 2017
Looks like some delegates from The DUP are on their way to the 1922 Committee meeting.
— Rachael Swindon (@Rachael_Swindon) June 12, 2017
Theresa May has apologised to the 1922 Committee for the loss of MPs, something she couldn't do when stood outside Downing Street.
— Rachael Swindon (@Rachael_Swindon) June 12, 2017
May apologised to #1922committee & said "I got us into this mess and I'll get us out of it"
Was no such confession or apology to the country— troovus (@troovus) June 12, 2017
Theresa May will be going straight from meeting the 1922 committee to a discussion with the DUP, or the 1422 committee as it is better known
— Stephen Moss (@StephenMossGdn) June 12, 2017
Footage from inside Tory 1922 committee room
— ARTIST TAXI DRIVER (@chunkymark) June 12, 2017
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Apparently the Queen’s speech is going to be late because, it has to, as always, be written on Goat’s skin parchment, and the ink will not dry in time for the original schedule.
That’s no excuse! They could always use a blow dryer! :-)
The reason the usual suspects aren’t queuing up behind the door to administer the lead sock behind the ear treatment is that they realise how far into the doo doo she has erred, and they are waiting for the DUP thing to crash and burn, Brexit to unravel, and for May to start losing votes in the commons. Then they will come out of the woodwork, positioning themselves as the person who can REALLY steady the ship. (Which is quite amusing since in their own way all of the likely candidates are just as unhinged as she is)
we wait patiently for the Bailiffs to remove the squatter from No.10.
“May apologised to #1922committee & said “I got us into this mess and I’ll get us out of it”
Was no such confession or apology to the country”
Sums her up doesn’t it? Once again, the needs of the Conservative Party have taken precedence over the responsibilities they have for governing the country.
Just like what happened in 1974. Tory Ted Heath spent a week cobbling up a working majority with the Liberals (as they were back then) but didn’t succeed. A new Labour Government headed by Harold Wilson took power.
Hopefully history is repeating itself.
her speech will be written on crap paper has the queen will flush it dow n the toilet
May says to fellow nasty Tories, “I got us into this mess and I’ll get us out of it,” and then she immediately keeps digging the deep hole she’s made for herself. If it weren’t so tragic for the country it would be a joke.
The long drawn out quarrel for power within the nasty Tory Party continues and they don’t care whether they drag the whole country down with them. JC4PM.