Theresa May SHAMED into visiting Grenfell Tower – and tries to get publicity out of it

As Hicham Yezza tweeted: “Theresa May has just “privately visited” #GrenfellTower She didn’t meet residents or media, but was quite happy to get a photo-op out of it.” Were the firefighters hand-picked?
This is your prime minister, folks – always trying to find new ways of lying to you.
Today, Theresa May – the person most responsible for creating the conditions that led to the Grenfell Tower fire, by cutting the emergency services to the bone and allowing unsafe building practices – tried to pretend that she cares about the fact that people have died because of it, by visiting the scene.
The known number of deaths stands at 17, at the time of writing.
This Writer lives in Mid Wales so I was forced to watch the drama play out on Twitter, starting around 8.06am today (June 15) with this:
Normally a PM would visit the scene of a major national disaster. It's what they do in other countries and used to do in ours. Where is May?
— Marcus Chown (@marcuschown) June 15, 2017
Mr Chown followed up the comment, about an hour later:
Theresa may thinks that going to church rather than true acts of humanity makes someone a good person.
— Marcus Chown (@marcuschown) June 15, 2017
It seems he was not alone in his criticism, because the next thing I knew was this:
The apparent refusal to meet residents provoked more – justified – criticism:
I hope May has to face the residents of Grenfall Tower and they let rip.. she should resign tody.. she is a disgrace.
— Isobel_Waby we NEED a COALITION (@Isobel_waby) June 15, 2017
Guess what?
She stayed all of 10 minutes #disgrace
— Claire (@cmmfurlong) June 15, 2017
As the councillor just said she won't face the angry residents she didn't face the general public in GE
— Claire (@cmmfurlong) June 15, 2017
Financial expert Paul Lewis said he had attended the scene and spoken to residents:
I was there last night. There was tremendous anger among local residents about money wasted, management incompetence, how K&C treats tenants
— Paul Lewis (@paullewismoney) June 15, 2017
The backlash has continued:
Perhaps the most accurate comment was provided by This Site’s friend Kanjin Tor:
She would not have faced the press, and could not face the public.
The concentrated criticism she would have received from both would have put unbearable pressure on her to resign as prime minister – and she’s not having that.
Perhaps she thinks we’ll forget. If so, she is gravely mistaken.
We will have our opportunity to challenge her on this, and soon. Then we’ll see if she has the brass neck to stay.
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A Tory is a Tory , they have no respect for anyone or anything apart from money.
We have an intruder at no 10,
RIP, for all those who have lost thier lives condolences to family and friends.
I wonder if, like her predecessor she tell them, we will help you get sorted and money is not a ” problem”. Just a thought
Well Harold Wilson was the Prime minister when it was built, and the Cladding which might have been the problem as it has in previous tower block fires was done before May became prime minister. She actually had nothing to do with it. The Fire service and the Police and Ambulance service did sterling work, the fire service getting there within 6 minutes. The commissioner of the Fire Brigade who appears to be a very capable and experienced firefighter herself has made it clear there is no point in guess work as to what started the fire. Maybe the decades of failures of the government to ensure sprinklers and fire alarms needs to be looked at.
Wow! this woman really is the pits. The first thing that came into my mind looking at the picture, are they even real fire-fighters, or are they paid Tory stooges? I used to think Cameron was a really devious and shady con-man, but May can beat him for conning and deceiving people. What on earth is the point of visiting if she isn’t going to meet residents who have suffered an appalling tragedy in their lives? This nasty vile woman is afraid of facing real people, or even the press/media for that matter.
She is a hypocrite and I am surprised the emergency services gave her the time of day. Their not obliged too.
I bet she did not take along her ex housing minister…you know the one that sat on lots of learnings from a previous fatal high tower fire…..he could have given her lots of advice like not putting in fire sprinklers….sitting on important recommendations so no additional costs are incurred on unnecessary things like fire and health and safety improvements for tenants…… she just as well drop her no. 2 asap he may be a devoted fan and follower however at the moment he is a poison pill for her and her cabal.
Has anyone else noticed the way in which May delivers her reaction and condolences to this tragedy. She speaks and postures with the same false emphasis as she used before the election.
This appearance is becoming a distasteful signature and evidence of her single minded contemptible approach to the public that she seems incapable of hiding. From her demeanour I don’t believe she has a shred of sympathy for these victims, but rather how it might reflect on her or the Tories. It is also unacceptable she hides from accountability and resembles a 3rd world dictator, since when have Prime Ministerial duties been private.