GAGGED – the Grenfell Tower firefighters who want to talk about the REAL death toll

Last Updated: July 2, 2017By

Firefighters have been gagged from talking about the horrors [Image: Daily Mirror].

We’ve all heard rumours that firefighters were having to step over and past dead bodies on the night of the Grenfell Tower fire – that the building had become, in effect, a charnel house.

And we all know that there has been a blackout on official news sources – we’ve seen nobody talking about what they have seen.

Official sources say they do not want to cause upset by releasing numbers until they are certain of them – and this seems reasonable.

But This Writer agrees with the firefighter who said it seemed unreasonable to suggest that accounts of what was experienced in the tower would obstruct investigations.

I believe the opposite, in fact.

It seems to me that gagging firefighters in this way provides an opportunity, for those with a motive, to hide the facts from the public.

If a firefighter is talking about what could be seen, then it would be impossible to provide numbers in any case.

But at least we would be better-prepared for whatever that number might, eventually, be.

And I, personally, am expecting it to be in multiples of 100, rather than a few more.

Heroic firefighters have been gagged from talking about the full horror at Grenfell Tower amid fears the true death toll will top 100.

The order from bosses has been revealed by several Fire Brigade sources who grimly insisted the official figure of 80 dead will soar.

They spoke as authorities were accused of masking the total of those who perished in the inferno.

One firefighter, who did not want to be named, told the Sunday Mirror: “We’ve been told by our management don’t speak, ideally. The coroner has said it could obstruct the investigation. I don’t know how it can – what’s happened has happened, but that’s what we’re being told.”

A union rep for the Fire Brigades Union said: “We know the death toll will be higher than the official figure – and we’re not talking about one or two higher. There’s a strong possibility we are talking about three figures.”

Source: Heroic Grenfell Tower firefighters gagged from talking about horrors amid fears death toll could rise above 100 – Mirror Online

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  1. Nick July 2, 2017 at 11:07 pm - Reply

    it a very sad state of affairs mike and hard to believe this is the uk government that are behind this cover up

    this was a very tragic event but as we have seen the emergency services have been spot on with their response

    the council however have never had a response plan to hand which in my mind is criminal as any type of disaster could have come about at anytime be it from flooding or the air and with no redress at hand

    truly shocking on the likes of the chief on £5000’000 plus a year

  2. Antony July 2, 2017 at 11:15 pm - Reply

    Tell those who gagged them to eff off and speak out ;Those fire fighters and emergency services have now got to live the nightmare they experienced that tragic day for the rest of their lives

  3. ted July 3, 2017 at 12:04 am - Reply

    “Three figures” is not “multiples of 100”. I’m not sure what beneficial effect this hyperbole is expected to have.

    • Mike Sivier July 4, 2017 at 10:42 am - Reply

      Everything I’ve heard from sources independent of the ‘authorities’ suggests several hundred deaths.
      You have tried to confuse what I believe with what such sources have said. Stop.

  4. joanna July 3, 2017 at 12:17 am - Reply

    I would go anonymous and tell what I knew, as long as I had all my bases covered, so to speak, whatever happened later, at least the truth would be out!!

  5. NMac July 3, 2017 at 7:58 am - Reply

    Tories are frightened to face the people with the appalling and devastating results of their austerity and bonfires of health & safety regulations, both of which were designed solely to benefit themselves and their wealthy supporters.

  6. Barry Davies July 3, 2017 at 8:45 am - Reply

    I’m in full agreement with the coroner on this, the Fire Brigade and Police have official spokespeople who have the job of informing the public. We are all to well aware of how the mass media falsely reports news then having done that resolutely sticks to its story, and the chances of getting a Jury for the Coroners court which has not been given this fake news would be next to impossible. We still get reports of hundreds or thousands of preventable deaths at Mid staffs due to media guesswork, when the reality is the there was one death that was proven to have been caused by the inefficiencies actually created by the government and non medically or nursing qualified managers trying to get good reports.

  7. lanzalaco July 3, 2017 at 9:51 am - Reply

    why do you think 200 up are dead in there ?

  8. Deb Johnson July 3, 2017 at 9:56 am - Reply

    There is bound to be some truth in this, and yet I do not think a personal opinion is valid in this situation. It is obvious that lengths have been taken to find out how many occupants there were at the time of the fire, and that many of the ‘missing’ have been named. I want to know how many survived. A figure of ‘350’ people has been mentioned, which is clearly a considerable number. Speculation about any of this is not fair, neither is it useful. The firefighters themselves were in a critical, dangerous and confusing situation within the tower, if each was asked how many bodies they saw or had to move past it could simply multiply the figures beyond reallity… Surely? What seems unfair may simply be the real need, very calmly – in the face of tearing grief, horror and anger – to investigate using clear and safe means of inspection and comparison. Checking floor by floor – those rooms sublet, tenants not listed, visitors to the block and empty apartments; matching fact as realised by the physical evidence to the lists and references supplied by the occupants, landlords and witnesses. Why would anyone cover this up? The charges of neglect, damage, manslaughter… Can only be brought once and surely 80 odd lost is enough. Let’s hope it is not more. Please.

    • Mike Sivier July 4, 2017 at 10:40 am - Reply

      I think you’re going to have a nasty shock.

  9. Ella Smith July 3, 2017 at 10:52 am - Reply

    WHY SHOULD THOSE: Who did not feel the heat, see the burning, fight through thick black smoke. Hear the sounds as they passed panicking, terrified people desperately fleeing for their lives, some of them carrying & dragging with them their screaming children. Some trying to help the aged & infirm family or neighbours. While they were going upwards into the fire, climbing stairs trying to find those who were injured & trapped, then encouraging those who were able to make their way down. Those heroic men were eventually given orders to leave for their own safety, when they were nearly to the 24th floor, the cylinders of their breathing apparatus in danger of running out before they could reach safety. Well above the point where water could be directed, in the vain hope of calming down the fierce flames. Very reluctantly accepting there was no way they could proceed.

    WHY SHOULD THOSE IN AUTHORITY, WHO WERE THEMSELVES, IN A PLACE OF SAFETY: Decide who can speak & what they can say?
    In my view those heroic firefighters who risked both their lives & critical personal injury, have EARNED the right to speak of their experience on that horrific night. Not for monetary gain, not for personal acclaim; but for the fact that they need to talk of their own fears & helplessness, as well as the horror that it could have spread to other buildings.
    The sight, in worldwide newsreel & graphic pictures; of firefighters who were physically & mentally at breaking point, resting only to drink & have a very quick bite of food before returning again to the peril inside & outside of that huge tower. Many of those men, as well as police, ambulance paramedics, surgeons, doctors, nurses & other hospital staff worked up to 12 hour shifts in five different hospitals to treat those who were injured.
    This was a human catastrophe.
    So, I disagree with officialdom, because to me, each one of those directly involved has EARNED the right to speak.
    No cover up.

  10. Kirsty Stirrup July 3, 2017 at 9:30 pm - Reply

    They need to tell the truth. This Government never will for decades. Be fair to the families and survivors as well as yourselves.

  11. Dez July 3, 2017 at 10:26 pm - Reply

    Yes there must be a political Government pressure to put some time distance on what might be some bad news. Voluntary sources are also doing their own missing not found listing from neighbours on each floor so unless they are also gagged by authorities there will be an approx worst case scenario at some point. It is worrying when other government representative also chip in to the mantra ie coroner states releasing numbers will obstruct the investigation…how? Coroners are supposed to be independent which we know from some of their handling of benefit deaths this has only happened in just a few cases. The US twin towers that were evaporated completely with absolutely everything vaporised by a lethal force had ball park figures in a very short space of time with absolutely nothing left so why the silence on numbers. This silence is just making the public, and those much closer, far more suspicious of the Governments motives and actions than is necessary. If firemen are really being gagged then Government control has stepped over the red line from servants of the people to owning the people just like what has happening in the now state controlled US. What next Government aerial chem trails covering our skys polluting and contaminating the population and environment??

  12. hugosmum70 July 4, 2017 at 12:03 am - Reply

    These people talk as if we are all thick or have no brains or dont know how to use them

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