Tories accuse the Left of ‘intolerance and bigotry’ without evidence – pot, kettle, black?

Tories Sheryll Murray and Nadine Dorries – and the Daily Mail – say left-wingers and Labour supporters did this. Isn’t it far more likely that it was done by people of ANY or NO political persuasion, who were simply horrified by the behaviour of these despicable creatures?
There seems to be a concentrated campaign of disinformation against left-wing campaigners at the moment, headed by newsrags like the Daily Mail and Tory mouthpieces like ‘Mad Nad’ Dorries.
They are claiming that members of Momentum and other supporters of Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour are responsible for any number of abusive attacks on Conservative candidates in the last general election – without evidence, of course.
A Mail article on June 30 quoted South East Cornwall MP Sheryll Murray as follows: “I’ve had swastikas carved into posters, social media posts like ‘burn the witch’ and ‘stab the C’, people putting Labour Party posters on my home, photographing them and pushing them through my letterbox. Someone even urinated on my office door.”
The Mail‘s Dominic Sandbrook went on to claim, “The fact is the overwhelming majority of the abuse, bullying and intimidation comes from the Left.”
Does it?
Let’s have a look at some bullying and intimidation by Ms Murray, shall we?
Here’s a video that went viral on Twitter during the general election campaign. It is of Ms Murray causing outrage at a hustings by saying she welcomes food banks in her constituency. When audience members reacted angrily, pointing out that they should not be necessary, she indicates her contempt for her critics: “Let’s ignore these.” These what?
When audience members again – rightly – objected to her behaviour, Ms Murray had the nerve to say she wasn’t prepared to be subjected to their behaviour! The clip ends with her suggesting that organisers call the police to remove the voters she had angered.
See for yourself:
WATCH: Tory MP Sheryll Murray causes anger by saying she's glad food banks exist – then threatens to call the police
— Socialist Voice (@SocialistVoice) July 2, 2017
Is it any wonder people – of all political persuasions or none – have been expressing their feelings towards her?
That’s not good enough for the Tories and their evil-minded little supporters, though. They’ve seen an opportunity to smear their opponents, so that’s what they’re doing.
Here’s Ms Dorries:
This was done by Corbyn's Momentum supporters to Tory posters across Britain As I Tweeted, 1930s via @MailOnline
— Rt Hon Nadine Dorries (@NadineDorries) July 3, 2017
And here’s the only answer to her that any of us need, courtesy of Angry Yorkshireman Tom Clark:
She has no evidence, she's just making up defamatory accusations because she assumes us all to be as thick as pigswill. Utter Tory contempt
— Another Angry Voice (@Angry_Voice) July 6, 2017
This Writer reckons the Tories are on the back foot, and this is a desperate attempt to regain credibility with the public.
It must not succeed.
So, if you see a Tory trying to defame the Left in this manner, don’t let it pass; challenge it.
We’ll see how long their feigned indignance lasts when they’re made to produce evidence – or shut up.
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Tories may complain that someone has defaced their posters, but probably because they don’t like to see or hear the truth. Whoever defaced them got it about right.
I’m not sure why the Fail would lose the plot over this, they, of all right wing rags, should know the correct way to draw a Nazi swastika. As it is, it’s just a symbol, although they are entirely free to lose their minds over it.
How do we know the tory party members didn’t do it, after all a story like this helps them in some peoples minds.
They Are just like the Nazis, only they were a bit more honest about what they were doing!
I know this might be the wrong thing to say, but the Tories have as little value and a lot of hatred for disadvantaged people’s lives, just like the Nazis!!!
This is the only way they can feebly fight with dirty tricks
What a bunch of Snowflakes!!!!
oh right. so her party members didnt call anyone names like scroungers, workshy, among others i cant quite recall at this late hour…… but there were plenty of them. they werent responsible for the decisions made that made people destitute, homeless, in need of foodbanks, which as was so rightly said by oneperson at that hustings, should not be needed. how many of the policies did she vote through herself? or help to vote through. and if she didnt her colleagues did. and a lot of those suffering are the ones standing by corbyn because in him they see a glimpse of hope for a better future for them, their friends, neighbours, their kids n grandkids. as well as our services. and ultimately our country. and the conservatives cannot cope with that nor can they understand it. its their own fault if people are retaliating.
The tories seem to be a partie made up of bullying sociopaths ….i realy met in real life a torie sociopath a couple of years ago …he turned out to be one of the most crocked corrupt deviouse lieing nasty cowardly scumbags ive ever met …the tories seem to come from some kind of generic torie mold …..that guy like the tories was cought out….exposed …twisting and turning manipulateing lies comeing out of lies ….it wasnt….it was them….you cant make thease…creatures…..up there in a leauge of there own a leauge of vileness
The tories seem to be to a person..personaly unaware …unawate of the harm they there policies and behaveours have and are causing the deaths of thousands of the most vulnerable people the disabled the poor god forbid the looming disadter of brexit and unfortunately the horror and tragedy of glenfell has exposed torie policies for the world to see and people are reacting and the tories like that torie guy i met they havent the guts and balls to take responceability for there actions they lash out blameing everyone eles……no,no,no its not us …its not our fault ….its him..its her..its them…….its those …..the sooner there gone the better
Sadly, that attitude is commonplace, these days; nobody wants to take responsibility, despite being paid to. It is always somebody else’s fault! The current financial situation is £abour’s fault, despite the fact that the Tories have been in Government since 2010! The corrupt Capitalists stole the money and near bankrupted the country yet, they get away scot-free, have their tax liabilities reduces and those of us who neither caused the crisis, nor profited from it have to pay for it! Corruption personified!
I would say that they know only too well the effect that their policies are having; if nothing else, it is their job to; they either don’t care, are uninterested, or enjoy causing misery; whatever, they are unaffected so, it doesn’t matter to them. It’s either sport, or incompetence.
No such thing as bad publicity, it also helps to displace the conversation from that of their woeful record in charge.
I said, before the coalition government was formed, in 2010; “leave the country, while you can still afford to.” When that government came into being, I amended it to, “leave the country, if you can still afford to.” It seems that I was not wrong. With M.P.s like her, who needs enemies? That is disreputable behaviour of the most deplorable kind and to think that she is a public SERVANT(!) She is an utter disgrace! These people have no shame. Shame is a now antiquated concept that needs to be reintroduced and fast! How is it that certain people think that they can do what, the poop, they please and worse, seem to, without opposition! Why are people not made to be accountable for their actions? I blame Blair but he has been long gone and this attitude cannot and must not be allowed to persist!