Right-wing lies: Jeremy Corbyn did NOT shout ‘F*ck the rich’ at a rally

Jeremy Corbyn addressing thousands at a rally in Sheffield in August 2016. Guess what? He didn’t suggest any inappropriate sexual dalliances with rich people then, either.
On the same day a Tory MP was suspended for using a racist phrase, the Daily Express has been caught MISquoting Jeremy Corbyn.
Here’s the article in question:
It turns out to be a lie. This is from the book Comrade Corbyn:
Thanks are due to Matt Turner of Evolve Politics for tweeting the information.
Considering the reports about Anne Marie Morris’s racist remark – which has been reported accurately – this particular saga proves the following tweet is right on the mark:
Social media will never work for Tories. They rely on lies and there are too many people around to counter them. Their days are numbered. https://t.co/u98tFM3vJa
— Tweets by Sue (@marthasydenham) July 10, 2017
Evolve has published an article here – and has kindly tweeted a suggestion, if you would like to take action over this heinous slur:
You can make a complaint to IPSO about @Daily_Express fake Corbyn smear here – https://t.co/1UmdHAnKEKhttps://t.co/ROEGwzAXxr
— Evolve Politics (@evolvepolitics) July 10, 2017
I suggest we all follow the advice.
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Fake News…..dontcha luv it when it is the mainstream rags that make it up as they go along. Something JC did not say in 1997…..Jeez these faking fake artists are really dredging up some old false news just to poke, goad and politically stirring up non events. Pathetic space wasters.
And MSM wonders why we turn to alternative sources to get the news
The right-wing press and media are getting ever more desperate in their attempts to smear Jeremy Corbyn, and happily it is still not working.
I wonder how many people believe this rubbish, I can think why a lot of working people think it
Complaint to IPSO in as suggested but I doubt if they will pay any attention to these complaints. Fake news and smears seem to be accepted as the norm these days.