‘Student debt’ lie only shows that Tories are now so hopeless they can’t even deceive convincingly

Last Updated: July 24, 2017By

[Image: Daily Mirror.]

Conservatives lie.

We all know that, don’t we?

If you’re not sure, consider this announcement, issued on July 19:

If you think that seems reasonable, you’re probably missing out on a pretty vital piece of information. This information, in fact:

Still have doubts? You can read the EU directive here – it has been in force since June 2015 – for more than two years. The big question should be, why have the Tories delayed implementing this regulation for so long?

And the obvious conclusion is: Tories didn’t ban unfair fees – the EU did. Tories lie.

So when the Tories come out with claims like this…

And this, with the help of their poodles at the Daily Mail…

… We know the Tories are lying. Right?

Here’s what Jeremy Corbyn actually said in that NME interview about student debt:

Perhaps a quick look at Labour’s manifesto – it still exists, unlike that of the Conservative Party, it seems – and a transcript of the relevant part of the NME interview will help?


“I don’t have a simple answer for it at this stage,” he said. He did not say, “Labour will wipe out student debt if elected into government this year.”

And everybody – apart, it seems, from mass media journalists and the most blinkered of Conservative supporters – knows this. Everyone.





Oh – well, maybe one person, along with his followers, doesn’t know what Mr Corbyn actually said – or perhaps he has his own reasons for tweeting the following:

The terrific James O’Brien – not a huge fan of Mr Corbyn himself – summed up the situation on his LBC radio phone-in show, after waiting hours for a call from anyone who believed the student debt lie:

He had previously tweeted:

While we’re at it, let us not forget the role of the Liberal Democrats in all this.

The new Lib Dem leader, Vince Cable, was quick to join in the Corbyn-bashing:

How foolish. People on Twitter have long memories, and this was the response:


Postscript: Not so much a Tory lie about tuition fees, but certainly an example of hypocrisy at the highest level, is the fact that the policy Labour actually offered to students – namely, an end to tuition fees – was actually supported by prime minister Theresa May when she was shadow education secretary. She backtracked on that when the Tories slithered back into office in 2010 and now her party is attacking Jeremy Corbyn for doing what she wouldn’t. See for yourself:


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No Comments

  1. NMac July 25, 2017 at 8:09 am - Reply

    The Tories have been regularly feeding the public lies for a long time now and sooner or later the lies were bound to catch up with them. Dishonesty and corruption has always come as second nature to Tories, whose main objective is to retain power and wealth in their hands at all costs.

  2. Roland Laycock July 25, 2017 at 9:16 am - Reply

    Irma Grese May

  3. Zippi July 27, 2017 at 11:31 pm - Reply

    The Tories’ lies will always be swallowed, wholesale, as long as people have no appetite for the truth. As long as people are too lazy and too stupid to scrutinise, question, verify, the Tories will, successfully, propagate their lies. As long as people are willing to believe, without question, repeat without challenge, or inquiry, the Tories will continue to fill people’s heads with their lies and they will be treated like Truth.

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