Political abuse: Tory donor calls Jeremy Corbyn a ‘twat’

Charlie Mullins apologised after the show for swearing ‘but not the sentiment behind it’ [Image: Tang/ZumaWire/Rex/Shutterstock]
Just when the Conservatives have been trying to blame left-wing politicians and their supporters for the rise of abusive comments against the political class…
And appoint their lead attack-dog on the subject to an inquiry about it…
Along comes one of their donors to engage in personal abuse of the Labour Party leader on national radio.
Nice one, Charlie Mullins!
The BBC has apologised after Jeremy Corbyn was called a “twat” in a Radio 4 interview by Charlie Mullins, the boss of Pimlico Plumbers and a Conservative party donor.
Mullins was being interviewed on Radio 4’s World at One when host Martha Kearney asked whether the UK should attempt to remain part of the single market after Brexit.
Mullins replied: “Course we should be staying in; Jeremy Corbyn’s a twat, ain’t he?”
Mullins apologised after the show for swearing “but not the sentiment behind it”. He said on Twitter: “Brexit is a subject I’m very passionate about and I apologise for the word I used on BBC World at One, but not the sentiment behind it.”
A Labour source said: “Jeremy condemns all, and does not engage in any, personal abuse.”
Source: BBC apologises after Tory donor insults Jeremy Corbyn
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… and he doesn’t look like a twat does he, lol?!
The Cons actually deserve more like this character with more money than sense hopefully he will just accelerate their demise. I am sure the Cons welcome his hard earned cash to do more damage to the rank ‘n file plebs. Pity he has such a short memory of his own basic roots as voting for a Party that is ruled by the real Elite and Globalists who just want these misguided souls for their wallets…..he will still never be part of the ruling class no matter how much of his company profits he donates to these inhuman dead beats.
Its Charlie Mullins that’s the TWAT but then again if he wants to get on the BBC that’s the way they have to do it
He is a silly cow charlyetta mullins
Odd that Mr Mullins is passionately keen on Europe yet donates money to the Tories when it was Cameron who called the Referendum, then May and a large number of other Tories who seem determined to take us out at any cost, and with maximum insult to other EU Leaders and maximum levels of petulance, arrogance and ignorance. Odd choice of party to support! As for Mr Corbyn’s stance on EU I have to say that I am very disappointed that JC, right on almost all matters, is so wrong on EU. Before the Ref it was already clear that Tories were determined to sell more of UK to Uncle Sam MegaCorporation Inc .com : National Forests and Parks for Fracking, Urban land for development, NHS to US Health Insurance, Agriculture to US AgriCorps.com, TTIP etc. When TTIP had to be called off it was clear the Tories wanted revenge and that’s why they called the Referendum. By choosing to support Leave, Corbyn is inadvertently handing UK fully over to Uncle Sam.com, but we will NOT have the benefits of a written Constitution and Bill of Rights like USA does. Come of Jeremy, wake up and admit you were wrong on EU ! Yes, I did vote Labour, yes I do support Corbyn, but this the one issue on which I believe he is badly wrong.
Mullins is a thoroughly nasty piece of work. Generally speaking Tories are good at dishing out abuse and sneering insults to opponents, but they cry very loudly if they are ever on the receiving end. This is particularly so when they know they are losing ground to radical politicians.
OK, bad use of language. BUT, at one level he is right. JC could change the course of history by backing the possibility of NO Brexit. He would also ensure that the young people who will have to carry the post-Brexit can will be inclined to vote Labour.