The press, lies and Leveson: Tories drop inquiry into press corruption

Matt Hancock mouthing the words written for him by the right-wing press barons (in the opinion of Tom Watson).
The Conservative government – possibly on the orders of the right-wing press barons – has ordered that part two of the Leveson Inquiry into the activities of the press should not take place.
Making a statement to this effect in Parliament, the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, Matt Hancock, tried to create the impression that the chairman of the inquiry, Sir Brian Leveson, approved of the decision, saying, “Sir Brian… agrees that the inquiry should not proceed under the current terms of reference but believes that it should continue in an amended form.” This is a lie.
In a letter to Home Secretary Amber Rudd and former DCMS Secretary Karen Bradley in January, Sir Brian stated: “I fundamentally disagree with that conclusion.”
He wanted part two of his inquiry to commence as soon as possible.
Pressure group Hacked Off has been making this clear on Twitter:
Dacre and Murdoch wiggle their fingers and their puppet prime minister dances. A depressing and shameful spectacle.
— Hugh Grant (@HackedOffHugh) March 1, 2018
The Gov has just announced that they are formally closing the 2nd half of the Leveson Inquiry. It has chosen to turn a blind eye to press and police corruption at the demand of corporate press owners. Victims have been disgracefully betrayed. #Murdoch #Dacre #Leveson2NOW
— Hacked Off (@hackinginquiry) March 1, 2018
The message from @theresa_may and @MattHancock to Muslims, migrants, gays, transexuals, Travellers, the disabled is this: We don't care that our friends in the press are able to persecute and abuse you with impunity, and we are going to let them carry on #Leveson #Leveson2Now
— Brian Cathcart (@BrianCathcart) March 1, 2018
In the Commons @MattHancock gave the impression Leveson wanted a more limited inquiry at most. In fact the judge wanted #Leveson2 widened to include examination of IPSO. See below from his letter. #Leveson2Now So the government is deliberately preventing public scrutiny of IPSO.
— Brian Cathcart (@BrianCathcart) March 1, 2018
BREAKING: Lord Justice Leveson says part 2 of his inquiry should go ahead “as soon as possible”
— Peter Jukes (@peterjukes) March 1, 2018
So why have the Tories dropped it?
Firstly, it means scrutiny of the workings of IPSO, the new press regulator, will not happen. Many people are uncomfortable with IPSO, and the impression is that it allows the press far more freedom than it should receive. It is entirely possible that this has worked in the favour of the Conservative Party, considering the amount of negative and nonsense press devoted to Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party since IPSO was set up. This Writer is about to send a complaint to IPSO, so we will see for ourselves very soon if this is true.
Secondly, there is the question of the influence of the right-wing press barons, under whose control the illegal behaviour took place, about which the inquiry was set up in the first place.
In his response to Mr Hancock, Labour’s Tom Watson said: “When every Conservative MP who was then in Parliament backed this policy, including the current Prime Minister and the present Secretary of State, they did not really mean it. They were waiting for the wind to change and for the fuss to die down. They were waiting for a time when they could, as quietly as possible, break their promises, and today that time has finally come.
“We already knew what the Conservatives really thought, when successive Secretaries of State refused to implement section 40 of the Crime and Courts Act 2013, the part of the Leveson system that would provide access to justice for ordinary citizens while offering protection to journalists and newspapers that signed up to any Leveson-compliant self-regulatory body. The papers, absurdly, caricatured it as state regulation, and pointed instead to the independence of their alternative, non-Leveson-compliant regulator, the Independent Press Standards Organisation. The Government were too scared to make the case for their own policy, and finally, today, they are formally capitulating.
“The Government are also capitulating on the question of whether to complete the investigation into how phone hacking happened and what is happening now.
“Here are some of the things that Leveson 2 was supposed to investigate: to inquire into the extent of illegality at News International; to inquire into the way the police investigated allegations relating to News International and other newspaper groups; to inquire into whether the police received corrupt payments and were complicit in suppressing the proper investigation of complaints; and to inquire into the extent of corporate governance and management failures at News International and other organisations. None of those questions has been answered, and by betraying the victims of phone hacking in this statement today, the Secretary of State is trying to ensure that they never will be.
“The last thing the Murdoch empire, the Rothermere empire, the Barclay brothers’ empire or the Mirror Group wanted was an inquiry into their dirty laundry, with powers under the Inquiries Act 2005 to obtain documents and compel witnesses to appear in public. The last thing any of the newspapers wanted was more attention being paid to their methods at a time when it may well be revealed very soon that other papers, not necessarily the ones at the centre of the scandal in 2011, were also involved in criminality.
“They have been lobbying hard for today’s outcome. They will give the Secretary of State—a man who enjoys favourable headlines—plaudits in tomorrow’s leader columns. We already know that Paul Dacre, Rupert Murdoch and the Barclay brothers approve of his statement—after all, they helped to write it.”
So today’s decision is a victory for the gentlemen named directly above: No inquiry into possible illegal activities in their newspapers, no access to justice for their potential victims, and a gross lie that Sir Brian Leveson supports the decision. This is as corrupt a decision as you will ever hear about – from any government.
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It would appear the majority of the media has become the weapon of choice for the cash rich globalists who run the majority of the main media outlets for the benefit of the Elite and huge global commercial interests and of course to the detriment of the plebs.
This is great work, Mike. Very well done, indeed.
People ,may wish to sign this petition:-
The Government must commence the second half of the Leveson Inquiry now.
Today the Government proved it is subservient to the press barons by cancelling the second half of the Leveson Inquiry and announcing an intention to repeal the access to justice measure, section 40.
Help us fight these decisions – sign and share our petition today!
tried to sign petition today but only got blank page we need to get this up and running a.s.o.p.
I suspect the dirty corruption and wrongdoing will not only affect the nasty right wing press, but also the Tory Party itself which is mired in stinking dishonesty and corruption.