Self-employed are “incentivised” by Universal Credit cut, are they? Typical Tories – all stick, no carrot

Alok Sharma was asked about the cut, which was revealed in the OBR’s most recent annual report, in a written parliamentary question by Labour.
I’m interested to know how Alok Sharma imagines self-employed people like myself are to “grow their earnings and become more productive and self-sufficient” in the current economic climate?
Tory policies punish the self-employed. The government works hard to ensure that all the money goes to the current vested interests. They don’t like entrepreneurs.
They put obstacles in the way of the self-employed.
This cut is a visible example of that.
A Tory minister was branded “insensitive” … after boasting a £3,000 benefits cut can lead to a ”good outcome”.
Alok Sharma was accused of “patronising” hundreds of thousands of people losing out from new benefit Universal Credit.
Mr Sharma claimed it would “incentivise” the self-employed “to grow their earnings and become more productive and self-sufficient.”
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I wonder where do we et these so called idiots from
Then there’s the poor sods who have been forced to become avon reps & the like by the likes of A4e so emma harridan (sorry – harrison) & co could award herself £££millions of taxpayer’s dough.
All wrong. I thought dummkopf-schmitt was THE idiot, but just about everyone in that party are as dense.
Yet another one celled idiot from the nations favourite Cons party blessing the public with his infinite knowledge however lacking any common sense something the Cons suffer badly from….I suppose if you are sub human then it comes with the job.. Here is an example of how the local council now apply benefit cut backs, Irrespective of official self employed income declarations to HMRC. HMRC information is now totally ignored using the Councils new found logic that all cash self employeds will be assessed at £200 weekly minimum on their assumption that all cash self employed under declare their cash income!. This is a Con council of course who cannot comprehend that some self employed are part time or have bad weeks and good weeks and all self employed cash income plebs are liars The Cons are still wringing every penny out of the have nots to save their beloved Government every penny they can rather than properly and fairly administer benefit systems to those that really need it. The loss of total benefits has been devestating since UC.
Large numbers of self-employed workers are a sign of an under-developed or deteriorating economy. Just look at the so-called Third World and the mass of people struggling to survive by any self-employed means. Even in this country, most self-employed workers would love to use their skills by being employed in a proper, secure job with a regular income, paid holidays and a pension.
Any survey of the self-employed over the last few years has revealed that the vast majority have no intention of expanding their “business” let alone taking on other employees. They are just taking what work they can manage themselves.
The future of employment in Britain, and the rest of Europe, does not lie with the self-employed or “small businesses” or “small scale entrepreneurs”. It lies with large scale investment by governments.