Faked Babchenko death makes fools of Tories and their supporters

Last Updated: May 30, 2018By

Very much alive: Arkady Babchenko.

The news has been full of the apparent murder and miraculous return of a Russian journalist named Arkady Babchenko.

It seems Mr Babchenko faked his own death in order to prevent an actual attempt on his life by the Russian government. The Ukrainian security services tell us they have made one arrest.

Of course Boris Johnson couldn’t resist making a dig at Russia:

He was obviously trying to use this incident as justification for the Tories’ stance against Russia over the Salisbury Poisoning – the attack by persons unknown against Sergei and Yulia Skripal. But – of course – his barb went wide of the mark because nobody has been killed, by the Russian government or anybody else.

Tory supporters made an even worse mistake – trying to attack Jeremy Corbyn over his measured response to the Salisbury crime by linking it to Mr Babchenko:

I wonder how Giles Dilnot now feels, in the knowledge that the Russians didn’t do this, and it was a conspiracy (although not by western powers and, for a change, intended to help someone rather than harm)?

As for Paul “The Original Centrist Dad” – perhaps he now appreciates the advantage in having the full evidence before coming to an ill-advised conclusion?

Am I right in thinking this was a case in which gammon chewed itself up?

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  1. Barry Davies May 31, 2018 at 8:21 am - Reply

    Let’s look at this logically rather than on a party political basis shall we, international news prints story, people reading it take it at face value and comment on it, one of those millions is Boris Johnson, who apparently despite having many civil servants in the know wasn’t appraised otherwise, I wonder why he should be chosen for such opprobrium

    • Mike Sivier May 31, 2018 at 9:46 am - Reply

      Because he tried to relate it to his own government’s lies about Russia.

  2. JohnDee May 31, 2018 at 7:44 pm - Reply

    Mistake 1 ” … people reading it take it at face value ”
    Mistake 2 ” … one of those millions is Boris Johnson ” [as Foreign Secretary to the UK]
    Mistake 3 ” … wasn’t appraised ” or maybe he was, but, as usual, didn’t listen.
    ” … I wonder why he should be chosen for such opprobrium …” What planet are you from? (Actually, I’m not really alienist.)

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