The satirists go to (town on) the Conservative Party Conference

Where’s the need for satire when shots like this show the shockingly-low attendance at this year’s Tory shindig?
We’re only two days into the Conservative Party Conference and the toffs have already given humorists enough material to last at least until Christmas.
What follows is only a little video entertainment I managed to pick up from Twitter, but I guarantee it’ll give you a giggle.
Let’s start with the speech by Michael Gove. He thought it would be a laugh to have a go at Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, but I think you’ll agree that the laugh’s on him after you’ve seen this…
This is hilarious! You have to give it to Micheal Gove – at least he's trying to liven things up… #CPC18
— EL4C (@EL4JC) October 1, 2018
… and this:
Then again, maybe you’ll prefer Brexit secretary Dominic Raab’s discussion of the potential short-term disruption of Brexit.
Potential short term disruption – Dominic Raab #CPC18
— Phantom Power (@PhantomPower14) October 1, 2018
Funny – that looked like the Walking Dead behind him, but Theresa May isn’t due to speak until Wednesday, is she?
Those of you who remember the work of comedy that was the Leaderene’s speech last year will spot a little nostalgia in the following snippet from Jeremy Hunt’s speech:
Unbelievable! Looks like the Tories are still having problems with their dodgy Conference backdrops….
#CPC18— EL4C (@EL4JC) October 1, 2018
The above examples are all well and good – we all like a laugh now and then. But Philip Hammond brought us all back to Earth with his determination to cling on to austerity, no matter what (harm it does to the economy of the UK).
The satirical content here comes not from anything added in by a joker, but from the Conservatives’ own idiocy in sticking to a system that has not helped the UK’s economy but has actually made matters much, much worse. And they can’t say they haven’t been told. Even Tory-supporting Andrew Marr gave Mr Hammond a heads-up on live TV:
I suppose it was up to Jeremy Corbyn – the man Michael Gove was trying to mock in the video at the top of this article – to point out the plain and simple facts of this matter. Be warned: If you’ve been affected by Tory austerity (and there aren’t many who haven’t) then there is nothing funny about what follows.
The Tories have just announced they're sticking with austerity.
Here's why it's a disaster.#CPC18
— Jeremy Corbyn (@jeremycorbyn) October 1, 2018
So that is the Conservative conference so far – a meeting which, to be honest, the people responsible for these videos could have left alone in the knowledge that all those concerned would satirise themselves.
But here’s a word of caution: If you’re thinking this bodes well for Mrs May’s speech, think again.
She made such a cock-up of it last year that her party will be pulling out all the stops to make it run smoothly now.
In fact it wouldn’t surprise me if, in line with all the jokes about her since she became PM, they actually replace her with a robot.
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If these people were not so destructive and dangerous to the country as a whole it would be hilarious.
Never mind we have our Brexit party to look foreward to whch I like to call May’s Magic Money Tree Hunger Games amd at £120m s a bargain don’t you think