David Cameron wants to come back into politics because he’s ‘bored’. It might not be such a bad thing

Get back in your car: If David Cameron returns to frontline politics, he might find himself turned around again in very short order.
He says he’s “bored” and maybe that’s true – I find it hard to believe he’s sprayed all his millions up the wall in two years and now needs more cash.
Whatever the reason, David Cameron’s announcement that he’d like to return to mainstream politics has produced a strong response from Labour politicians, and who can blame them?
Just when you thought politics couldn't get anymore bizarre. No David please stay in retirement you caused enough damage last time 😩 https://t.co/DHhXwWTadO
— Angela Rayner 🌹 (@AngelaRayner) November 1, 2018
God. No.
Didn’t he do enough damage first time round?? Please spare us all. https://t.co/bafk8RRyYw
— Andrew Gwynne MP (@GwynneMP) November 1, 2018
I think this may be a good thing.
Bear with me: Mr Cameron’s sense of entitlement is palpable. He thinks he’ll be able to hope back on board the Westminster gravy-train, in exactly the way Boris Johnson did after his gig as London mayor went south. That would show that Conservative politics is utterly corrupt and they parachute candidates into seats according to their position in the Tory hierarchy, rather than their suitability for the job.
Not only that – he thinks he’ll be able to grab a place at the Cabinet table straight away, too. This is a man who has done untold amounts of damage to the structure of the United Kingdom, and he thinks he’ll be allowed back in to do an untold amount more.
Probably the most visible example of this – and it’s saying a lot, considering the dismantling of the National Health Service for the benefit of private profit-makers and the ongoing genocide of the sick and disabled – is Brexit.
Let’s not forget that this is the forced removal of the UK from the European Union, to the great weakening of our economy and further lowering of our living standards, brought on by selfish money-grubbers who think they can make a profit and by armchair warriors who deluded themselves into thinking they were delivering a blow to the Tories.
And why did Cameron order the referendum that led to this upheaval? Because he thought the vote would support remaining in the EU and it would finally stop his backbench Eurosceptics from grumbling about it.
That didn’t turn out so well. The vote went the other way and Conservative backbenchers are still at war with each other. And he has created deep divisions amongst the population.
If he comes back to mainstream politics (and I’ve just heard from the BBC’s Politics Live that it was just idle talk and isn’t likely to happen), then he’ll spend the whole time running into people like Danny Dyer:
Let's hope Cameron doesn't run in to Danny Dyer when he comes out of hiding and back in to politics. pic.twitter.com/OFLFyFjjR4
— Dan Lewis (@Think_Become) November 2, 2018
That is a mild response to Cameron’s calamitous premiership!
And it is the reason I think he should try re-entering mainstream politics.
It will give us all a chance to put this jumped-up little toff back in his hole – for good.
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This illustrates very clearly the full extent of the open, shameless corruption which pervades the nasty Tory Party.
“All our political lives we have been nurtured on the theory of nuclear deterrence.”
—-David Cameron
“Call Me Dave” by Michael Ashcroft and Isabel Oakeshott, p169.
So, he admits that nuclear deterrence is nothing more than a theory.
Theories often go wrong and, if this one goes wrong, billions will die.
Thanks a lot, Dave!
Maybe they will parachute him into the safe Tory seat of Stafford, where he began hi political career, losing to a local solicitor standing for labour and it took the tories 10 years to get it back.
He should go and work in a foodbank and help the homeless. Guaranteed he wouldn’t be ‘bored sh#tless’ then !
Wanted: ex-prime minister noted for his laziness, lack of curiosity about the background of friends and advisors such as Andy Coulson, who ended up in prison, Rebeckah Brooks of the Sun, Steve Hilton, who jumped ship, Lynton Crosby, also of the tobacco industry, dead cat theory and currently trying to get rid of Theresa May, despite his election winning strategies sailing very close to the wind and. . . need one go on? Mr Cameron, or Dave to us, might not lack a sense of entitlement, but he surely lacks even a vestigial capacity for judgement.
In keeping with his indolence, it seems that he no longer aspires to his former position as Prime Minister, but, it seems, he would not mind being foreign secretary. Perhaps he might also consider a position where he can revive that wizard idea of his, too: The Big Society. We need to consider him carefully – he has all of the assets needed to fill an important position in today’s tory party: he is thick-headed, lazy, easily led by people slightly smarter (and nastier) than himself and has a transcendent sense of entitlement and self-importance. So, come on, Mrs May; find him a safe seat in Oxfordshire or leafy Surrey, there’s plenty of dead wood in those places so kick out a sitting tory with an unassailable majority and let’s have a man who is clearly born to lead back where he belongs: in the modern tory party.
He needs to stay in his expensive shed…we don’t need you back thanks
Surely there isn’t a d*** head in the country who would ever vote for him again! Is there?
Yes, I think so – in the heart of the “We’d vote for a pig if it had a blue rosette” Home Counties.