Tory MP calls for return of the death penalty for murderers. Why does HE want to kill people, then?

Far-right Conservative MP John Hayes seems to lack the self-awareness needed to see the contradiction in his demand for the return of the death penalty for murderers.

Is he deliberately ignoring the obvious? Here it is:

If his party voted to reinstate capital punishment, that would make every MP who did so a killer – including himself. Murderers all, in fact, as they would be responsible for the premeditated killing of who-knows-how-many people?

And, is this another crackpot idea to be pinned on Brexit?

Here are the facts, from The Independent:

“A Conservative MP has called on the government to reintroduce hanging for people who commit violent crimes.

“John Hayes, MP for South Holland and the Deepings, and a former minister, asked justice secretary David Gauke to consider the “potential merits” of the death penalty.

“The option of capital punishment “should be available to the courts” in cases such as that of Westminster Bridge attacker Khalid Masood, he said.

“Masood was shot dead by armed officers after mowing down pedestrians and fatally stabbing PC Keith Palmer in March 2017, but Mr Hayes suggested that had Masood survived it would have been “appropriate” for him to be hanged.

“Mr Hayes told Lincolnshire Live: “We have got an issue in Britain with very serious crime.

““We have had a number of serious crimes, the murder rates increase and barely a week goes by without hearing about some horrific child murder or old people being attacked and killed.””

As far as increasing murder rates are concerned, he doesn’t have much of a leg to stand on:

The Conservative government has responded with the official line – that it opposes the death penalty and is campaigning for it to be abolished internationally.

But what induced this man – who is a member of Parliament, let’s not forget – to think that this would be a good time to demand the return of barbaric punishments?

Brexit opportunism? “Everything’s going to go to pot, including law and order, so let’s bring back the death penalty and get rid of people we don’t like”?

This is the heart of the matter: Innocent people will be killed if the death penalty returns:

Still – and in the interests of balance – there’s always a loony who will support these psychopaths:

Isn’t wanting to kill people for no reason a sign of declining morals?

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  1. Growing Flame November 3, 2018 at 3:30 pm - Reply

    Don’t I recall that surveys conducted after the Brexit vote indicated that voting for Leave tended to correlate to a number of other beliefs but, in fact, correlated most to a desire to see the death penalty returned?

    There ARE similarities, notably a yearning for an imaginary past of patriotism and security where people knew their place and were happy to comply. Fear of authority and its powers being a major factor.

    As the Tories cannot offer us much beyond low wages, insecure employment and continuing cuts to our services, they will, no doubt, turn more and more to barbaric past practices, dressed up as “the good old days” to garner their votes.

  2. Nicknick November 3, 2018 at 3:37 pm - Reply

    I think they kill enough as it is with the sick and disabled ? probably not they wont to go on to kill others ?

    where does it stop ?

  3. Justin November 3, 2018 at 3:50 pm - Reply

    ay least 4000 suicides and self harm events caused by tory policies shows that like all politicians they engage mouth before brain, they need there own gallows

  4. Barry Davies November 3, 2018 at 5:42 pm - Reply

    Well he is reflecting a growing number of people who would like to see it returned having been against further integration with the Eu all of his political career the link to us leaving is easy to pretend is viable.

    • Mike Sivier November 4, 2018 at 11:16 am - Reply

      A growing number of people would like to see the innocent wrongly executed, would they? Think of the Guildford Four, convicted due to falsified police statements. They would have been executed, had the death penalty been in place, and they were innocent.

  5. Growing Flame November 4, 2018 at 9:18 pm - Reply

    Unfortunately, I fear that the call to return the death penalty is one of these Right Wing rallying cries that appeals to millions without being susceptible to rational discussion.
    Yes, we know that the Guildford 4, the Birmingham 6, Judith Ward and other Irish people were completely innocent but many people are motivated by anger and a desire for revenge, regardless of the truth.

    It’s a bit like Donald Trump and his calls for the return of manufacturing jobs to the USA, or to build a wall against Latino immigrants. These ideas are completely unworkable and do not stand up to a moments examination , but they make millions of people FEEL as if their voices of frustration are being heard. Whether they actually believe all this will happen, is not clear.

    It makes the Right Wing sound as if they have our interests at heart, that they are listening to our worries and that the Left have abandoned us to our fate.

    For us on the Left, we do not just have to counter the wilder Tory views, we have to offer such a range of attractive policies that we become the obvious alternative government. Hopefully, that is exactly what the Labour Party is currently doing.

  6. nmac064 November 6, 2018 at 12:51 pm - Reply

    This character is just another extremely nasty and warped Tory.

  7. Angie richards November 6, 2018 at 8:05 pm - Reply

    Get rid off Tories they are destroying are country. If i had enough noney i would leave this f***ed up country thanks to idiots who voted for her

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