While polls show huge Tory lead, this woman in Johnson’s constituency speaks for the people

Star: This Uxbridge constituent gave a frank opinion of her MP, Boris Johnson, that belies the polls. We can imagine that his response was as pictured. Is this really the man the people of the UK want leading them, as polls suggest?

A star is born.

The Guardian is reporting that Boris Johnson’s Conservative Party has a huge, 15-point lead over Labour. This would mean a large majority for a Johnson-led government after a general election.

But does it, really?

Here’s a lady who lives in Mr Johnson’s constituency – speaking for all of us:

Her description of Mr Johnson may be considered more apt than she knew, depending on how she meant it.

A “tow rag” (as it is properly spelt) is a description of a person one might describe as a low-life, scum, or a loser.

It was originally a British Royal Naval term, referring to a long piece of rope, either frayed at the end, or with a bit of rag tied to the end of it, permanently fixed to a ship, which was dangled into the sea, and therefore, towed, next to the wooden plank with a hole in it which was secured over the edge of the ship and used as a toilet.

After the sailor had finished his ablutions, he lifted the rope out of the water, and then wiped his rear end clean with the wet, frayed end of the rope, and when he finished wiping, the soiled end of the rope was dropped back into the sea to clean itself as it was towed along by the ship.

Now consider:

Mr Johnson has lied repeatedly to the nation.

He has told us that “no deal” Brexit is not what he wants, but has consistently voted against any deal in Parliament and is working hard to ensure that the UK crashes out of the EU without a deal.

If this happens, it has been alleged that hedge fund bosses who financed Mr Johnson’s Tory leadership campaign will make billions of pounds from betting on the value of the pound plummeting and inflation rocketing. Your money will lose its value.

He is keen to do a trade deal with Donald Trump’s United States, and is absolutely determined to strip you of your human rights, trash environmental protections and end restrictions that keep you safe in order to do so.

We may therefore suggest with some veracity that to the hedge fund bosses and Mr Trump, Mr Johnson is indeed their “tow rag”.

He is also an enemy of the people.

Nobody in their right mind would support him or his cronies.

Source: Poll shows Conservative party 15 points ahead of Labour | Politics | The Guardian

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No Comments

  1. Random Bloke October 6, 2019 at 6:55 pm - Reply

    Well, technically she called him a “piece” of one – not even the whole thing, which you could argue is even worse :)

    Probably have the old bill round if she said it on twitter

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