Social media bid to save the NHS – by showing what Tory privatisation would cost

A US private medical bill: Do you want to pay £100,000 for a “minor surgical procedure” because Boris Johnson thinks he can make a fast profit out of it?
A campaign to show the consequences of the Tory strategy to sell off the National Health Service by the backdoor could be coming to a constituency near you, soon.
The aim is to show the cost of a privatised health service to members of the public.
All it needs is a little cash to fund it.
The plan is to post mock healthcare bills with real costs and figures through doors in marginal constituencies, with a clear message of warning over the NHS.
Every penny donated will be spent solely on the cost of printing and the organisers will be looking for volunteers to post them.
The initial target of £550 will pay for the printing of 50,000 mock bills, with a ‘stretch’ target of £1,100 to print 100,000 leaflets.
Every penny over that will go towards additional printing increasing the impact of the campaign. With some marginals held by just 20 votes we believe our campaign could help make all the difference.
At a time when Boris Johnson has again refused to rule out further NHS privatisation – twice in one day – this is a timely campaign.
The project is being run by fellow social media site The Prole Star. That organisation said:
We cannot allow the Conservatives to sell off the NHS by the backdoor. Creeping privatisation will lead to a US-style private healthcare system, which we are sure no one in this country wants.
In the US people die because they ration insulin and even kill themselves because they don’t want to bankrupt their families. We cannot stand by and allow that to happen here.
Under the Conservatives privatisation has increased from £4.1 billion in 2010 to £9.2 billion in 2019. A huge increase of over 120%.
Please support us in our cause and help us fight to save the NHS from the Conservatives and the market forces that fund their political party.
People are more important than profit and healthcare is not a commodity we choose to consume.
But most importantly we must remember the warnings of those that lived in the barbarous times before we had public healthcare free at the point of use.
“We must never ever let the NHS free from our grasp, because if we do your future will be my past.” – Harry Leslie Smith.
To contribute, please visit: The Prole Star’s campaign to save the NHS. – a Politics crowdfunding project in Manchester by The Prole Star
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Hey Mike. I think Boris Johnson’s “duper’s delight” was on show again in his interview with Laura Kuenssberg. Just caught a bit of it on the BBC news channel. Check it out. Waddya think?
Now a real example: I’m fitted with an implanted cardioverter/defibrillator which at time of implantation (2015) cost £20,000. No cost to me as I’m covered by the NHS. The hospital which implanted my device is also a BUPA centre and if I had the procedure done privately the bill for device and surgery would be around £50,000. I was fitted with the same top-of-the-range device as do private patients. The only difference was I had to wait for a couple of months for my procedure while private patients wait a couple of weeks.
“Creeping privatisation will lead to a US-style private healthcare system, which we are sure no one in this country wants.” I’m even more sure that SOME people – and companies – do INDEED want a US-style private healthcare system which they can milk for obscene profit! Maybe it’s just me, but I do get irritated by blanket demonstrably false statements like this being made – it simply dilutes the effectiveness of the overall message!