Parents are having to re-use ventilator parts for their sick children because of Tory Covid-19 failures

No ventilator for you: the government is continuing to ensure that only able-bodied people with coronavirus can have access to a ventilator. The rest can die as a result of the Tories’ refusal to make proper preparations at the appropriate time.
Children are suffering again because the Conservative government is incompetent.
Back at the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis we learned that, despite having been warned that a flu or flu-like pandemic was on its way and they should stock up on ventilator equipment, successive Tory governments under David Cameron, Theresa May and Boris Johnson ignored the advice.
They didn’t buy ventilators, causing a crippling shortage of equipment when the inevitable happened and the virus hit us.
Then, when the EU generously offered Boris Johnson a chance to join a bulk-buying scheme that would have brought much-needed ventilators into the UK, he refused. His reason? “We are not in the EU.”
Here’s the result:
Jane Hill simply unable to hide her consternation here.
A government in need of 30k ventilators, that stayed out of the EU program because “we can do it ourselves” has delivered just THIRTY in one week. Holy— Nick Murphy (@nickmurftweets) April 2, 2020
(The Dyson ventilators never happened; the Tory government told the company its services were not required.)
Johnson was then able to treat the lack of ventilators as a golden opportunity to rid the UK of some of the “useless eaters” (as I’m sure the Tories call them, picking up on Nazi terminology). So people with disabilities were told they would be denied ventilators if they caught Covid-19, the excuse being that their disabilities mean their chances of survival are less.
Senior citizens faced the same discrimination.
Now the Tory decision is making children suffer as well.
Child malnutrition has already at least doubled since the Covid-19 pandemic hit the UK. Now this:
Parents of children reliant upon ventilators are being asked to reuse vital parts after the demand caused by COVID-19 created a shortage.
Maisie Lossau, 15, has needed the equipment day and night following surgery to remove a brainstem tumour four years ago.
But when her mother, Dawn, put in an order for supplies she was told there were none to send.
“We have a very small piece of equipment which is called an HME, which is a humidification valve, changed every day.
“When we went into lockdown we were told there was a shortage of those and we would have to change them on a less regular basis… once a week maybe or twice a week if we could.
If that gets too wet, too damp, and we don’t change it, it becomes a breeding ground for germs.”
The danger then is infection.
There are more than 3,000 seriously ill children like Maisie across the country and the charity WellChild says supplies must be ring-fenced for them.
The government has dissembled; it won’t address the subject directly.
So a statement merely says: “We have put in place a range of measures to address these challenges, including making it easier for clinicians to report shortages and identifying opportunities to open up new supply options and using additional brands.”
The Tories said nothing about actually supplying the equipment. We must conclude that they have no intention to do so.
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It really does look like they want to kill people off and reduce the population, I mean surely Johnson and his cronies can’t be THAT incompetent and irresponsible. It’s got to be either one or the other, callous killers or incompetent beyond belief.
Appalling and so typical of the callous money obsessed fascist tories! They refuse to even say they will ensure equipment will be made available to parents whose children desperately need replacement ventilators and/or specific parts such as humidification valve!!
The fascist tories are fascist and now we can add severely ill children to the ever increasing list the fascist tories deem ‘worthless and waste of time spending money on!’ Senior citizens, disabled women and men, severely ill children – all are worthless!
Believe the fascist tory government works for us?? Think again because the callous and sadistic fascist tories only work for their male corporate bros and money is their god never putting the well being and health of those ‘useless women, men and children!’
With disabled women (under 65) dying at over eleven times the C-19 average and disabled men (under 65) dying at over five times the average, I would say that this cohort has been accurately targeted to most efficiently reduce the ‘useless eaters’ and (assuming they might be property owners) this would release a significant amount of housing capital to relatives eager to spend it straight back into the economy. A double-whammy for the (s)torys!