Fat Boris’s war on obesity is an insult to the poor

Fat Boris Johnson: his crusade against obesity ignores the fact that people cannot afford to buy healthy food, so none of the measures he has announced will have any effect at all.
Fat Boris Johnson really is an ignorant dimwit, isn’t he?
He has started a crusade against obesity, claiming he realised the need to lose some of his own tonnage after realising it was hindering his own ability to recover from Covid-19.
But here’s the problem: Under Tories like Fat Boris, obesity isn’t a personal choice; it’s a political one, made for the poor by national leaders like him.
He has chosen to make millions of people across the UK poor, thereby restricting the food we can afford to eat.
The cheapest food is high in sugars and fats – the ingredients that make us obese.
So we don’t have a choice. Until we can afford to buy healthier food, we will continue to struggle with weight gain.
And Johnson won’t let us earn enough.
So all his protestations about the need to lose weight, to be able to fight Covid-19, are pointless. We might as well listen to a whale spewing water out of its blowhole.
The Tory attitude is ridiculous, too – have you heard the nonsense spouted by the government about its “world-leading” plan?
Top of the list is a ban on adverts for “unhealthy” food before 9pm, when children can see them. Pointless if the adults left to watch them are financially bound to buy those foods in any event.
Next is an end to BOGOF – Buy One, Get One Free – promotions, meaning cash-strapped families will be forced to pay even more for their unhealthy food, while still being unable to afford better fare.
Large restaurant, cafe and take-away chains will be required to add labels to the food they sell, showing their calorie content. Again, this will make no difference to people who are forced by financial circumstances to buy what they can, rather than what they want.
There are other measures including diverting NHS time and effort to promoting weight loss, but this will not help people who simply don’t have the wherewithal to follow the recommendations of dieticians in the service. It will simply waste even more scant NHS resources.
Ultimately, Fat Boris isn’t helping you. He’s selling you a pup and asking you to swallow it.
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Remember this was the MP that complained about struggling to survive on a mere £80k a year.
Not a Scooby !
Typical fascist tory tactics always deflect the issue away from their collective fascist accountability and blame impoverished women and men!!
Lardy – yes good name lardy fascist dictator boris needs to get rid of his huge courtesy car and walk everywhere instead. His bodyguards can walk alongside him!
All the fascist tory propaganda about losing weight is ludicrous – but it works because blaming impoverished women and men ensures the lardy fascist tories increase their weight and their profits by not being held accountable for their crimes against the poor!
Eating well is a luxury and ‘lavish meals’ are for the fascist tory rich boys not impoverished women and men who struggle to feed to their children on the minute pittance these rich boys accord them!
Of course the other thing that makes people fat is working excessive hours for slave driving bosses, often compounded by arduous commutes because the government does nothing to provide jobs where people actually live. Nobody is going to cook something healthy when they’ve had a long day at work with maybe 90 mins or more travelling on top of it, they’re going to gobble down something out of a packet because they’re desperate to get to bed before the alarm goes off again for another shit day.
Is it too late to start an allotment?