#Partygate: Fabricant’s #blackmail retort tars the Tories as abusers – and criminals

Michael Fabricant: in this image he appears to be clamping his mouth shut – to avoid putting his foot in it?
What a spectacular blunder from a former Tory whip.
Michael Fabricant tried to dismiss MPs’ claims that the Conservative Party’s whips were blackmailing them out of submitting letters of “no confidence” in Boris Johnson’s leadership due to the “Partygate” scandal.
Tory Parliamentarians said whips had threatened to defund their constituencies or worse, and responded by themselves threatening to release texts and a recording of a “heated” exchange of words with chief whip Mark Spencer.
Fabricant tweeted in response to the initial blackmail claim by fellow Tory William Wragg: “If I reported every time I had been threatened by a Whip or if a Whip reported every time I had threatened them, the police wouldn’t have any time to conduct any other police work! What nonsense from WW.”
It seems he had not considered the significance of what he was saying. So members of the public pointed it out to him – en masse.
They reminded him that commonplace behaviour can be unacceptable:
They asserted that he was saying blackmail – a crime, remember – is common practice in the Conservative Party:
Are you really saying Blackmail is endemic in the party? Because it sure sounds like it. https://t.co/812ci8Z107
— Jolyon Rubinstein (@JolyonRubs) January 20, 2022
And they raised the point that threatening work colleagues is also unacceptable:
"I threaten colleagues" is a truly exceptional defence https://t.co/bm1SeetGjR
— Ava-Santina (@AvaSantina) January 20, 2022
So that’s the Boris Johnson Conservative Party, according to one of its members: an abusive work environment that is so riddled with crime that if all the offences its members committed were reported to the police, our law enforcers would never have time to deal with anything else.
Source: Tory MP’s attempt to slam ‘blackmail’ allegations spectacularly backfires
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I always regarded Lichfield as very pleasant place, but I think best to avoid it these days. Out of an electorate of 76,616 nearly 35,000 voted for Fabricant in 2019. How very scary is that!
Nearly as scary as that bad hair piece!
Best joke I heard this week. Two things in the UK can be seen from space…
Fabricants wig and the truck que at Dover thanks to Brexit.