NHS leaders making contingency plans as biggest walkout in its history looms | Sky News

Last Updated: January 20, 2023By Tags: , , , , , , , ,

At breaking point: the UK’s National Health Service.

Ambulance workers and nurses are both set to go on strike on 6 February – the first time they’ve taken industrial action simultaneously. There are fears it could pose a “significant challenge” for the NHS.

Saffron Cordery, the interim chief executive of NHS Providers, has said the proposed walkouts are a “huge concern”.

She said: “Trusts have been warning for months that coordinated strikes were a possibility if the government and unions failed to reach an early agreement on this year’s pay award.”

Ms Cordery urged ministers to “get round the table with the unions urgently to deal with the key issue of pay for this financial year, otherwise there is no light at the end of the tunnel”.

Source: NHS leaders making contingency plans as biggest walkout in its history looms | UK News | Sky News

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One Comment

  1. Martyn Meacham January 20, 2023 at 8:15 am - Reply

    Get rid of the chief exec, get rid of the managers, get rid of the private health providers,Bring the NHS back in house, fully fund the NHS.Stop the tories from stealing the funding and handing it over to their tax evading cronies. Get rid of the tories(Starmer and streeting need to be sacked as well, they also want to destroy our NHS for personal gain!).

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