Why is Tony Blair renewing his ‘ID cards’ plan right before elections when we’ll need them?

Last Updated: February 24, 2023By Tags: , , , , , , , , , , ,

This was predictable:

We’re going to need ID cards anyway – or a preferred form of identification like a photo driving licence or a passport – if we want to vote in the local elections in May. A friend of mine sent me this image as a reminder:

But that’s not what Blair (and his former sparring partner across the Dispatch Box, William Hague) is on about.

They want digital ID cards that provide every important piece of information about us:

Sir Tony and Lord Hague… argue digital ID cards would make it easier and more secure for people to access services and for the government to understand their needs and better target support.

“In a world in which everything from vaccine status to aeroplane tickets and banking details are available on our personal devices, it is illogical that the same is not true of our individual public records,” they write.

They suggest such a scheme could allow people to prove their identity, age, driving licence, right to live and work in the UK and even their educational qualifications.

Right – and it could also lay us wide open to identity thieves. Not a brilliant idea!

There’s an argument that other countries are already imposing such a system on their populations and we need to catch up. But I was reminded only last night that, a few years ago, other countries were leaping to join the Euro currency and abandon their own – and look what happened to Greece as a result. The UK kept the Pound and it was the smartest thing that we could have done.

Several of us think that Blair doesn’t really understand what he’s saying…

… and here’s a “for example”: Sebastian Payne, contender to take over the title of ‘Child Star of Politices’ from former holders Owen Jones and Ian Hislop, arguing that ID cards will be a great way to “control” immigration, by controlling the wider population of the UK:

Is that what you want?

Do you want to be forced to carry an identity card that allows people in self-imposed positions of authority to tell you where to go, what to do when you get there, and deny you the right to self-determination?

That is where Blair, Hague – and Payne – are going on this.

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  1. flttymartyn February 24, 2023 at 9:08 pm - Reply

    Why isn’t Blair, the liar and war criminal rotting in prison, instead of being allowed to walk free and continue to spout his poison?

  2. Tony February 25, 2023 at 8:59 am - Reply

    I knew that the supporters of identity cards had not gone away. They are now raising their ugly heads once again.

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