Boris Johnson steps down as MP. Partygate report must be DAMNING

Wishful thinking: Boris Johnson won’t end up in jail because of the finding of a Parliamentary committee – but he HAS lost his Parliamentary seat. Is that enough punishment for a man who partied (which was against the law at the time) while thousands died and their relatives were prevented from mourning them properly – because of his rules?
What a day for Boris Johnson!
This morning (Friday, June 9, 2023) the BBC reported:
Boris Johnson has been given the findings of an MP-led investigation into whether he misled parliament over Partygate.
The Privileges Committee is examining whether the former PM purposefully misled Parliament over lockdown-breaking parties in Downing Street.
In evidence given in March, Mr Johnson admitted misleading Parliament, but denied doing it on purpose.
And what’s the BBC reporting now? Let’s see…
Boris Johnson to step down as MP with immediate effect after receiving Partygate report.
In my original draft of this article, I had asked whether the report would exonerate or condemn him. I think we can deduce the answer already.
He had been given two weeks to respond to a “warning letter” sent by the Privileges Committee, giving details of the criticisms it intends to make of Mr Johnson, along with any evidence which supports them.
Clearly he didn’t need that time.
The letter will also have informed Mr Johnson of any proposed penalties that the committee will suggest for MPs to approve. The example given was that it could recommend his suspension from the House of Commons for 10 days or more, triggering a by-election in his Uxbridge and South Ruislip constituency.
Well, he has pre-empted any such punishment by leaping before he is pushed.
This Writer expects that MPs will still be asked to endorse the findings, via a vote in the House of Commons.
But my big question now is about his resignation honours.
Rishi Sunak was said to have accepted Johnson’s list of people he wanted to honour – or to have been preparing to accept it – earlier this week.
Would it not now be inappropriate to honour people on the recommendation of a former prime minister who has now resigned in disgrace?
This could be awkward for Nadine Dorries who, to all appearances, resigned as an MP on the expectation of being ennobled in that honours list, earlier today.
Or did she have prior warning of the way the wind has been blowing and clear out before she was pushed?
And that leads to yet another question:
Who else is likely to go? Is this the start of a mass exodus?
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Dorries has said that she knew she was not to be honoured but that her resignation is for a separate reason (draw your own conclusions)
But in re Boris I saw/heard nothing on the BBC about this. But then perhaps this was confirmed just AFTER the news??
Ah, I see the BBC reporting it online as of 2040hrs..