Why are the Windrush generation STILL waiting for compensation?

Last Updated: June 22, 2023By Tags: , , , , , ,

The Empire Windrush brought many people to the UK to help rebuild the country after World War II. If it had still been in service in 2017, the Tories would have been trying to use it to deport them all again.

It’s 75 years since the Empire Windrush docked in the UK with cabins full of what political correctness tells us were Afro-Caribbean people who had volunteered to help rebuild the UK after World War II.

In 2017 we discovered that thousands of these people were in danger of being deported by a racist Home Office under the leadership of Theresa “Go Home” May, because they didn’t have paperwork showing that they had a right to stay in the UK indefinitely.

And what was the reason they didn’t have that paperwork? Nobody in the government had bothered to give it to them and Home Office staff had deliberately destroyed their own copies.

These government choices led to detentions and wrongful deportations that would have made any fascist regime proud – until this disgraceful persecution of innocents was exposed and public outrage put an end to it.

The government of the day promised compensation to all those who had been wronged.

That was in 2017. Many of those affected by the Windrush Scandal are still waiting.

And in the meantime, let’s remember, the Tory government merrily pumped £800 billion into the hands of its rich mates and donors, in return for nothing at all worth mentioning.

The matter was supposed to get an airing on the BBC’s Politics Live today (Thursday, June 22, 2023) but the discussion very quickly deviated onto the much less fraught subject of opportunities for people from ethnic minorities in the UK today.

So here’s Jeremy Corbyn:

You’re welcome, Jeremy. As someone who highlighted the Windrush Scandal at the time, I find the praise of the UK’s leading anti-racist MP extremely pleasant.

The issue of reparation for colonial crimes is complicated and may take a long time to untangle.

But Windrush is straightforward. The only reason compensation has been delayed is that the government are racists who don’t like paying money to black people. Or so it seems to me.

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  1. Grey Swans June 23, 2023 at 1:47 am - Reply

    The racism is odd in the situation of the Windrush Generation, because from slavery, especially from their female ancestry, Black Caribbeans had white ancestry from English and Celts from UK, who occupied Caribbean lands taken by British, French, and Spaniards from the original inhabitants, the American Indians (Native Americans) after 1492.

    Since the 1950s, Black Caribbeans have been intermarrying with white English and Celts here in UK. Meaning a brother can be born white and another brother born black from the same white and black set of parents.

    So a Black and white set of children can have black and white parents and grandparents and great grandparents.

    Meaning the deported are English / Celt in culture by birth and upbringing, and none of the Caribbean island cultures. And both black and white in race.

    Meaning Tory and Labour voted for the Windrush bills and deported people with original English and Celt blood in their veins, here the thousands of years of the British Isles’ occupation after the Ice Age.

    Deporting people for the ‘crime’ of being born Black, when they would have had brothers and sisters born white from the same set of parents.

    My interest is the mess their National Insurance and state pension would have become, for younger people deported.


    • Mike Sivier June 23, 2023 at 12:11 pm - Reply

      The lighter-coloured siblings would also have been deported.

  2. Dave Rowlands June 23, 2023 at 3:17 pm - Reply

    The build up and generation of racial hatred, poor people hatred, benefit claimants hatred (now, pensions are declared a benefit), age related hatred, anything that politicians can use and spread to cover up what they are actually up to. How does an ethnic minority hate others who are just the same?

    Politics, it serves an agenda where the people are so busy hating each other to notice that the real problems we have in this world is being ruled by politicians who care more about money and themselves than anything else. Social engineering is a tool used by all corrupt governments to achieve their goals. Imagine, just imagine a world where we don’t have to do as we are told by those who deem themselves better than us.

  3. Stu June 23, 2023 at 5:23 pm - Reply

    Let’s not forget the hypocracy of this being announced the same day as the Windrush 50p Coin….

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