Brexit is making the food on your plate more expensive YET AGAIN

Brexit is making the food on your plate more expensive YET AGAIN

Why are so many people so surprised that Brexit is making the food on your plate more expensive yet again?

“I don’t get it,” texted a personal friend to This Writer yesterday. “They’re not just putting up bread, cereal, cake prices again but dairy stuffs etc will also rise due to extra new checks at the border in May because of Brecksick.”

I had to explain: “The bureaucratic cost – form-filling, etc – is huge now, so they add it to the price.”

This is the exact opposite of what we were told would happen back in 2016 – if you remember.

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The BBC (surprisingly) ran an article about it on its website. It made the facts clear:

Meat and dairy products, plants and seeds are among the goods now subject to physical checks when imported to Britain from the European Union from Tuesday [April 30].

Businesses have warned the trade checks, which will see import costs increase immediately, are expected to hit smaller companies hardest and lead to price rises being passed on to customers for certain products.

John Davidson, co-owner of flower company Tom Brown Wholesale, said he expected the checks to cost his business between £200,000 and £225,000 per year.

The government has blathered a load of tripe about the new checks – which are part of the Brexit agreement – improving biosecurity, saying the costs for businesses would be “negligible compared to the impact of a major outbreak of a plant or animal disease”, such as foot and mouth.

How strange that our biosecurity was never endangered while the UK was a member of the European Union – and we still had an outbreak of foot and mouth disease that did not significantly affect the other countries on the continent!

All the goods imported by Mr Davidson’s firm are already checked in the Netherlands, so there is no point in checking them again.

How much of this increased bureaucracy is an unnecessary duplication of effort?

Also, with these changes having been delayed five times, why has the government not communicated to businesses what will be required of them?

And what about delays in getting this food into the UK? Will we see massive queues of lorries again, as we have before [see featured image]?

It almost seems to have been deliberately planned that Brexit is making the food on your plate more expensive yet again.

But the deeper we examine this, the more it seems to be another Tory cock-up, most probably caused by the lack of expertise in government departments due to pointless austerity cuts over the last 14 years.

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One Comment

  1. Kate George May 1, 2024 at 4:07 pm - Reply

    It is absolutely lack of expertise. I was an expert in this field (until a retired a few years ago) and I always said that this would happen with Brexit, and that it would make everything more expensive. I’m old enough (just) to remember the checks we had before we went into the EU. I wrote letters to my (Tory) MPs about it and was basically told in a roudn about way don’t worry your head about it dear, leave it to the experts! But the government refused to listen to the experts.

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