Should fox hunters be protected like gays and ethnic minorities?

38 Degrees ask: should fox hunters be protected like gays and ethnic minorities | Beastrabban\’s Weblog

Really? Should fox hunters be protected like gays and ethnic minorities?

What a crazy question. Why should they be protected like something they aren’t?

I tend to agree with my brother, the Beast, who

thought the move by the foxhunting fraternity to have themselves declared a protected group bizarre and, actually, quite offensive.

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Sexuality and race or ethnicity are innate, unchanging characteristics that people can’t and don’t choose, and who have been persecuted to a greater or less extent because of them.

Foxhunting is a leisure activity. It is, as Oscar Wilde, who knew a thing or two personally about gay persecution, ‘the unspeakable in pursuit of the inedible’.

It’s a pastime that people can choose not to indulge in.

And despite the fact that there are parts of the countryside that vehemently and passionately defend foxhunting, there are other country people, including farmers, who hate it and the people who practise it.

A foxhunter off with his hounds in hunting pink has absolutely nothing in common with the gay men who were jailed for their sexuality before it was decriminalised and who may still be abused and assaulted today.

Or Roma, Jews, Blacks, Asians and Muslims, who may also be beaten up and insulted for their race or religion.

It seems a pro fox-hunting group really is currently preparing a legal case to prove hunters should be protected by law, arguing that fox hunters should be classed as an ethnic minority under equality laws and have the same protections as the Roma community or LGBTQ+ groups.

If you want to register your own opinion on this matter, visit 38 Degrees Ask Their Supporters If Foxhunters Should Be Protected Like Gays and Ethnic Minorities | Beastrabban\’s Weblog

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  1. El Dee August 22, 2024 at 1:34 pm - Reply

    For them this is a win/win. If they were to win this point then they are protected against ‘prejudice’ If they don’t win (by far much more likely) they get to make a mockery of the whole ‘wokeness’ idea of having protected categories. Other similar nonsense is being tried elsewhere..

  2. Martyn August 26, 2024 at 7:09 am - Reply

    hunting for ‘sport’should be banned… The vermin are the hunters that just love killing our wildlife..

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