DWP to claimant: If you don’t die within six months, we’ll prosecute you – Same Difference
The Same Difference blog brings us the latest chapter in the DWP’s saga of depravity:
A shocking post from The People Vs The Government, DWP And ATOS:
A lady came in to see me today. She was beside herself as the DWP had treated her very badly over numerous different aspects of her claim. She had been misled and lied to, but this is the thing that’s making me want to roll some heads.
Her phone call to DWP last year:
Lady: I am calling to inform you of changes to my health; I now have cancer.
DWP: Well?
Lady: I was told to inform you of any changes to my health.
DWP: Well, are you going to die?
Lady: I’m not sure. I’ve only just been diagnosed.
DWP: Well, I can put you through on the special rules for terminal claimants, but if you don’t die within six months we will prosecute you.
She was so taken aback, she didn’t get any names.
For anyone who has seen Vox Political‘s posts on chequebook euthanasia, this should come as no surprise. We learned late last year that people who confessed, during work capability assessments, that they had entertained thoughts of suicide were being asked why they had not killed themselves.
This sickening attitude will not cease while the Conservative Party is in charge of the Department for Work and Pensions.
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WTF ?? we should all write to our MP’s DWP are b*****ds!!
No point until after May 7th, and I would exhort EVERYBODY to get out and vote!
I hope she is going to prosecute them!
Crowdfunding for the legal fees?
We have to put a stop to this nonsense.
And the terrifying thing is there are still plenty in the UK who believe this is right, that anyone that has to claim a benefit is a ‘shirker’ or ‘malingerer’ and that some how these people are living in a land of milk and honey paid for by the ‘hard working tax payer’.
Divide and conquer politics, dirty tricks and government smears against the most vulnerable in our society is the only real industry that has any growth under this spiteful, smug government. Until the wider public suffer the way so many on benefits are suffering it will continue unabated. I’m all right Jack bugger you is the disease of the 21st century, one that the pioneers of the welfare state worked so hard to obliterate.
Sadly those with plenty will always cast envious eyes towards those with little, the people they don’t consider to be fit to be dirt under their shoes. In a country where a programme on the most deprived area of England can still elicit internet cries of why should I pay to keep them instead of WHY is it ok that our citizens are being housed in such squalor. WHY is it ok to step over people in the street as if they are invisible..
I was told that my dyslexia was not a disability but a disease that had no cure and one day would be eradicated and that was from a doctor, nice to know my grand perants fought a war to allow views like that in this countrty.
yeah yeah and if you wear a hearing aid your not deaf any more, same sort of ignorance isn’t it?
How many – if any – people have been prosecuted for not dying quickly enough?
Good article on Radio 4 about this today. Apparently the government can be held to account if someone dies as a result of their action. HRA Article 2 Right to Life. This murderous government needs to be challenged on Sanctions Regime. I’m up for crowd funding are you.
We can expect much more of this if this “regime” is allowed to continue.
My only hope is that there are enough decent people left in this country who will not only consider themselves, but other less fortunate people, and vote this disgusting party out for ever.
When it has been voted out those responsible for this travesty of justice must be brought before the courts of the land and prosecuted for their crimes and that should include high ranking employees who should be ashamed of themselves for their actions in the interest of their own self-gain.
That is low, that is almost scraping the bottom of low.
Don’t Worry The ConCons will find a way to go even lower… Oh wait… Changes coming in 2016 about earning more than 300 a month extra before a reclaim [bang goes any idea of doing overtime…]… I am sure another Bus will be along in a minute.
With this lot you can depend on it
Voting Tory costs lives.Tories,Lower than Vermin and probably proud of the fact.On ConHome,IDS is often voted best cabinet minister,just shows what their mindset is.
I think can the government get any worse??? & always met with the same answer YES they can. If they aren’t murdering our wildlife for no reason, they’re taking it out on innocent people who are too sick to work or people who want to work, looking for work but make a mistake or are minute or 2 late for signing something really trivial like that & they get sanctioned & lose their benefit for 4 weeks or more.
So it’s illegal not to die now under this government?
No it is illegal not to die quickly enough.
At the end of reading above, there is a comment ‘ if you enjoyed reading…….’ I find that as offensive as the article!
I was diagnosed with terminal bone cancer. On enquiring about what benefits I could claim (if any ) first question was…have you less than 6 months to live? I replied I hope so. But not able to say At this point.i can’t physically do my job as a HCA going 12.50 hr shifts ..on your feet all day. And I’m still undergoing treatment. I wouldn’t mind taking my own life if they legalised it properly in Britain.wd have a right to live how we want. .We should have a right to die too?
All we can do is highlight what IDS’s reforms have allowed to happen….. I have always stated bad people will always do bad things given the opportunity. To work in a Job Centre, which are miserable places to start off with, you have to have a narcissistic or psychopathic tendency in the first place (as no regular person would inflict harm of any sort on another). However harming people is something you have to do if you work at the Job Centre. Under IDS’s reforms he has basically opened the door and said hurt people as much as you want. The entire system needs reforming to make it what it is supposed to be a centre for jobs and welfare.
I really don’t understand you Mike Sivier. Here you are rightly, banging on about the injustices facing the sick and disabled that forcefully steer them towards suicide, and all the while, you support benefit sanctions that are one of the main tools the DWP use to push people towards that final act.
Hypocrisy much?
I’ve changed my mind on benefit sanctions and cannot now see the point in them at all. If the DWP wants to take action against a claimant it should build a case for benefit fraud.
You’re a bit behind the times as I’ve changed my view partly in response to comments I’ve received on this and other matters.
Good to see that you have at last understood that forcing the vulnerable into destitution and starvation isn’t a good idea.
Better late than never.
I think my record in standing up for the vulnerable speaks for itself.
I think they should only be used against misconduct that is if someone becomes violent and aggressive and unreasonable behaviour. But I know the jobcentre pushes people too far and they flip but this is not what I am talking about, I mean people who instigate violence for no god reason.. They shouldn’t be used if you are late, if don’t attend appointment sand if you don’t particularly like some of the kinds of help they offer. There should be negotiation between claimant and work coach and there should be suitable help for all different circumstances and none of this punishment for being unemployed, it helps no one on benefits, no one in society and it doesn’t even save money. It is utterly pointless the way they abuse sanctions now.