Was Panorama’s Presenter right about Corbynomics? | Think Left

Last Updated: September 8, 2015By

Panorama’s presenter, John Ware’s negative opinions were hardly hidden in ‘Jeremy Corbyn: Labour’s Earthquake’.  For example, he started by sneering that a Corbyn Town Hall meeting had all the fervour of a revivalist meeting (sub-text = crowd hysteria).  But then, he did a piece to camera, that really betrayed (at best) his ignorance or a deliberate attempt to mislead the public over the anti-austerity policies presented by the Corbyn team.

He said that if Jeremy Corbyn were to become Prime Minister, he would “order the Bank of England to print billions of pounds for a raft of new projects – roads, railways, houses…” and how would Corbyn pay for all this?  By collecting the £120 billion estimated to be uncollected tax receipts.

(at 18.28 mins http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b06bg6ty/panorama-jeremy-corbyn-labours-earthquake )

Whilst it is perfectly true that Jeremy Corbyn wants to address the tax haven scams (which would include increasing the tax receipts), he has never suggested that this was the substance of his plans to resuscitate the economy.  Apart from a novel solution such as ‘QE for people instead of the banks’ Jeremy Corbyn’s fiscal stimulus is totally consistent with the sort of keynesian economic policies that were mainstream prior to New Labour’s capitulation to the economics of Margaret Thatcher.

Source: Was Panorama’s Presenter right about Corbynomics? | Think Left

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  1. Nick September 8, 2015 at 2:29 pm - Reply

    Jeremy Corbyn hopefully will be the next labour leader as many peoples lives will be in his hands

    All he need do is to stay focused on IDS deaths of the sick and disabled keep going up and up any by the next election with around 200’000 deaths under IDS belt from 2010 he should walk quite comfortably into number 10

  2. Jacqueline bunting September 8, 2015 at 4:20 pm - Reply

    Feel bbc are frightened of the powers of this government, the new white elephant ! Jeremy Corbyn offers something other than blue or pale blue

  3. mohandeer September 8, 2015 at 5:56 pm - Reply

    It’s a shame that Panorama are limited to oafs who are illiterate in subjects they are asked to comment on. Perhaps if he took a crash course in economics and actually read the economic plan as laid out by Richard Murphy of Tax Research UK he wouldn’t look and sound like a buffoon which he apparently is. It seems he is unaware that QE has already been applied by the current govt. but unfortunately without the correct application of it. How anyone so ignorant of basic Keynesian macroeconomics and the way QE works when used to it’s full and best potential should be offering opinion is quite unbelievable. That is, unless of course, as has been suggested, his intent was indeed to play dumb and confound everyone by deliberately extensively misinterpreting and grossly misrepresenting JC’s economic policy plan. So either he’s as thick as two short planks or he is a vicious neoliberal intent on smearing and maligning Jeremy Corbyn.

  4. Thomas September 9, 2015 at 12:01 am - Reply

    I do fear that if Corbyn is too left wing, the Conservatives will be in for the next 20 years.

  5. Ian September 9, 2015 at 7:13 pm - Reply

    I wouldn’t trust the BBC one milimetre after ts non-reporting of the NHS privatisation and the benefits ‘reforms’. Only a month or two ago their news site had a story about benefit ‘curbs’ when we all know they are cuts. Massive difference.

    Thankfully, the old media no longer have a monopoly on what news the public sees. This will – or should – put ressure on newspapers and broadcasters to shape up a bit.

    The BBC should be subscription only anyway. The licence ee is unjustifiable with modern technology.

  6. mrmarcpc September 10, 2015 at 4:42 pm - Reply

    The Beeb can try to smear Corbyn as much as they and the government like, it seems to make him even more popular with the people as they know he’s a legit threat to the cosy right wing status quo that we have reigning over us!

  7. mrmarcpc September 10, 2015 at 4:42 pm - Reply

    Time both the licence fee and the BBC was gotten rid of!

    • Mike Sivier September 10, 2015 at 5:40 pm - Reply

      No – just time the BBC was reformed to represent the nation and not the toffs.

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